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A new TWAS book profiles ICIMOD, an eight-nation science centre supporting research, policy and diplomacy valuable to mountain communities.
At a high-level meeting in Italy, the UN Scientific Advisory Board advanced recommendations on climate, food and health.
Il Comitato scientifico consultivo del Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite si riunisce a Trieste (24-25 maggio). È inoltre indetta una conferenza stampa il 25 maggio alle ore 9:45.
The Scientific Advisory Board of the UN Secretary-General is set to meet in Trieste 24-25 May.
Scientists are better equipped to fight epidemics like malaria and Zika through help from TWAS grants
At a first-of-its-kind event, grantees recall how help from TWAS made their research, and careers, possible.
Ugandan researcher Ethel Nakimuli-Mpungu is winning accolades for helping HIV patients overcome depression.
The International Mathematical Union and TWAS are offering new fellowships to students in the South. Deadline: 22 June.
Science and policy leaders at a high-level workshop in South Africa explored how to be most effective in advising governments.
Oltre 40 ricercatori del Sud del mondo, assegnatari di un TWAS research grant, saranno a Trieste dal 18 al 22 aprile per raccontare come un finanziamento ad hoc può generare risultati di valore.