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Segenet Kelemu, Michele Morgante e Alessandro Vitale animeranno la tavola rotonda della TWAS a Trieste Next.
At Trieste Next TWAS' roundtable African scientist Segenet Kelemu will explore the role of biotechnology on Africa and developing countries.
The TWAS General Meeting in Vienna will feature high-level experts on sustainability in global development.
TWAS research grant winner Emmanuel Unuabonah, from Benin City in Nigeria, develops purification systems to get rid of water pollutants.
TWAS Fellow Vincent Titanji says a powerful new ebola vaccine shows that, for the African health system, it's important to think ahead.
From the TWAS Newsletter: The path to science has been unique for Almas Taj Awan of Pakistan.
Applications are invited by 23 August 2015 from young scientists, policymakers and diplomats, especially from developing countries.
At a AAAS-TWAS course, participants explored science diplomacy's many forms.
The event will take place from 10 to 11 April 2016. Deadline for applications: 1 January 2016.
In his TWAS Newsletter editorial, Executive Director Romain Murenzi says space science is essential for development.