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WMO Grants for TWAS PhD Fellowships

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) will cover travel costs for up to 10 full-time TWAS PhD fellowships each year if the candidate's climate-related research is of interest to WMO.

Based on an agreement between the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and TWAS, WMO will cover travel costs for up to 10 full-time TWAS PhD fellowships each year if the candidate's field is of interest to WMO, e.g. related to atmospheric science, climate and climate change, hydrology, multi-hazard early-warning and disaster-risk reduction.

This opportunity allows applicants doing research in those fields to develop strong links with the WMO and their national meteorological and hydrological services, which can be useful for their future careers.

If you think you are eligible and wish to pursue this support, you must apply in parallel both for the TWAS PhD Fellowship you wish to obtain and for WMO support. Please follow these steps:

  1. Complete all steps of the application process for the full-time TWAS PhD Fellowship you wish to obtain. Specify that you are also applying to WMO for travel support.
  2. Download and complete the WMO nomination form from the WMO website. It is available in English, French and Spanish.
  3. Have the nomination form endorsed by the Permanent Representative of WMO in your country (usually the director/head of the national meteorological and hydrological service).See here for the link to the WMO Country Database where you will find the contact details for the Permanent Representatives of WMO in your home country:
  4. Submit the PhD fellowship application according to the instructions in the online application form.
  5. Submit the endorsed WMO nomination to WMO directly.

Important: Please be sure that you apply in parallel. If you do not, your request for WMO support cannot be considered.

