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IAMP: Strengthen global health research

IAMP: Strengthen global health research

IAMP, the InterAcademy Medical Panel, will present a new statement on Thursday, 4 July in Trieste, Italy, urging global efforts to support stronger medical research by low- and middle-income countries. The panel, the global network of the world's medical academies, will host a public event and discussion from 16:30 to 18:00.

From emerging, drug-resistant infections to the dangers presented by climate change, countries are facing new challenges to global health. To improve public health and contribute to economic growth and innovation, IAMP says, countries must heighten their ability to conduct health research and communicate ways to put that research to good use.

The IAMP statement calls for the world's nations to help strengthen the ability of low- and middle-income countries to conduct, share and use health research. Endorsed by over 40 national academies of medicine worldwide, the statement urges member academies to use their position to draw attention to this need.

The event will take place at Science Centre Immaginario Scientifico, Riva Massimiliano e Carlotta 15, Grignano, Trieste. It will be open to the general public, but an advance reservation is required (

Dr. Jo Ivey Boufford, IAMP co-chair and foreign secretary of the US Institutes of Medicine, will make a presentation, followed by a roundtable and open-floor discussion.

The IAMP Secretariat is hosted in Trieste by TWAS. The statement and further information on IAMP activities can be found on the IAMP website or by contacting the IAMP Secretariat (

Sean Treacy