A declaration from the representatives of nations, organizations, and stakeholders, together with 700 participants at the Fourth International Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (FBAS 2024) in Beijing,
Other Publications
2024 - Beijing Declaration on Partnership for Accelerating Sustainable Development through Digital Technologies
![Beiijing Declaration](/sites/default/files/media/Screenshot%202024-11-06%20at%2011.03.35.png)
2024 - About TWAS (English)
![TWAS leaflet front side](/sites/default/files/media/twas-brochure-2024_front.jpg)
English-language version of a leaflet giving an overview of what TWAS is and what it does.
2022 - Declaration of the Tenth World Science Forum
Science for Social Justice
Text adopted on 9 December 2022, in Cape Town, South Africa
2022 - Statements from the Plenary Session on "Basic science for human development, peace, and planetary health"
The Pontifical Academy of Sciences has held conferences and issued science-based statements urging to address, among others, the massive health problems caused by the pandemic and by inadequate health systems, the large-scale destruction of nature and the climate crises, artificial intelligence, rising inequalities, hunger and poverty, and increasing local and global conflicts.
2022 - About TWAS (Italian)
Opuscolo in lingua italiana che illustra l'attività dell'Accademia.
Italian-language version of a leaflet giving an overview of what TWAS is and what it does. An English version is also available.