Research and Project Grants

TWAS research grants are awarded to both individual scientists and research groups

TWAS research grants fund several programmes that support:

  • Researchers in developing countries, allowing them to purchase specialized equipment and consumable supplies, and
  • Support Master of Science students.

The calls for 2025 TWAS Research Grants in Basic Sciences for IndividualsGroups, Collaborative and Maintenance Grants  opened on 3 February 2025

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Under this scheme, grants are awarded to promising high-level research projects in biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics carried out by individual scientists in one of the S&T-lagging countries identified by TWAS.

Partner Organizations
Minimum degree held
Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics
Age limit

Under this scheme, grants are awarded to promising high-level research projects in biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics carried out by research units in the S&T-lagging countries identified by TWAS.

Partner Organizations
Minimum degree held
Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics
Age limit

Under this scheme, grants are awarded to high-level scientists for interdisciplinary research projects. Each grant supports a collaborative project jointly carried out by two Principal Investigators (PIs) in the S&T-lagging countries identified by TWAS.

Partner Organizations
Minimum degree held
Age limit

Under this scheme, grants are awarded to past grant recipients of the TWAS Research Grant programme who procured equipment through the grant in one of the S&T-lagging countries identified by TWAS.

Partner Organizations
Minimum degree held
Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics
Age limit

With the support of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), UNESCO-TWAS launched a new programme to strengthen the capacity of African countries lagging in science and technology. The programme is aimed at early career researchers who have obtained their PhD abroad and have recently returned or will shortly return to an academic position in their home country. Grants are awarded to promising high-level research projects in Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Earth sciences, Engineering, Information Computer Technology, Mathematics, Medical Sciences and Physics carried out in African countries lagging in science and technology identified by TWAS.

The call is closed
Partner Organizations
Country where tenable
Minimum degree held
Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Information Computer Technology, Mathematics, Medical Sciences and Physics
Age limit

The COVID-19 pandemic is a global crisis, affecting human health as well
as economies and societies worldwide. TWAS and the Islamic Development
Bank (IsDB) are offering a competitive grant for research collaboration.
Technologists and researchers from IsDB Member Countries are invited to
submit research and innovation proposals that can help address challenges
related to post COVID-19 pandemic.

The call is closed
Partner Organizations
  • Islamic Development Bank

    Saudi Arabia

    The Islamic Development Bank, founded in 1974, works to foster the economic development and social progress of member countries and Muslim communities in accordance with the principles of Islamic Law. It has made significant investments in areas related to science and science capacity, as well as in infrastructure and education. IsDB, based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, has 57 member countries. It has regional offices in Rabat, Morocco; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Almaty, Kazakhstan; and Dakar, Senegal. It also has country gateway offices in Ankara, Turkey, and Jakarta, Indonesia, plus field representatives in 14 member countries.





  • Islamic Development Bank

    Saudi Arabia

    The Islamic Development Bank, founded in 1974, works to foster the economic development and social progress of member countries and Muslim communities in accordance with the principles of Islamic Law. It has made significant investments in areas related to science and science capacity, as well as in infrastructure and education. IsDB, based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, has 57 member countries. It has regional offices in Rabat, Morocco; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Almaty, Kazakhstan; and Dakar, Senegal. It also has country gateway offices in Ankara, Turkey, and Jakarta, Indonesia, plus field representatives in 14 member countries.





Country where tenable
Minimum degree held
COVID-19, Viral Outbreaks, Zoonotic Diseases, Diagnosis, Treatment
Age limit

Under this scheme, grants are awarded to teams of 2-5 women for action-based projects which, although scientific in nature, will take them outside the lab to promote practical and tangible change under the umbrella of the “climate action” SDG in their local context. The principal applicant and project leader is a woman scientist, holding a PhD, living and working in a science and technology lagging country (STLC). Co-applicants are either scientists or technical experts in a field relevant to the project, from any developing country.

The call is closed
Partner Organizations
  • The Elsevier Foundation


    The Elsevier Foundation provides grants to knowledge centered organizations around the world, with a focus on diversity and inclusion in science, technology and health, research in developing countries and global health. Since 2006, the Foundation has awarded more than 100 grants worth over $6 million to non-profit organizations working in these fields. The Elsevier Foundation is a US based, corporate not-for-profit 501(c)(3), funded by Elsevier, a leading scientific, technical and medical information solutions provider.

  • The Elsevier Foundation


    The Elsevier Foundation provides grants to knowledge centered organizations around the world, with a focus on diversity and inclusion in science, technology and health, research in developing countries and global health. Since 2006, the Foundation has awarded more than 100 grants worth over $6 million to non-profit organizations working in these fields. The Elsevier Foundation is a US based, corporate not-for-profit 501(c)(3), funded by Elsevier, a leading scientific, technical and medical information solutions provider.

Minimum degree held
Application of knowledge and solutions to climate change, virtuous and sustainable agriculture, sustainable soil management, natural disasters, climate literacy, afforestation and reforestation, implementation of renewable energies, other relevant areas.
Age limit

The DECIMALS fund has been set up to provide grants to small research teams in developing countries, allowing them to analyze the impacts that Solar Radiation Management might have in their regions. It was launched in response to a common concern voiced at SRMGI’s engagement workshops, where local participants often proposed and widely supported the idea that scientists in developing countries should undertake research on the potential local impacts of SRM, noting that there is typically very little funding available to support research in this area.

No Call Open at the moment
Partner Organizations
  • Solar Radiation Management Governance Initiative


    The Solar Radiation Management Governance Initiative is an international, NGO-driven project that seeks to expand the global conversation around SRM geoengineering research and its governance. The initiative is neutral on whether SRM should ever be used, and seeks to engage new voices in discussions of the underlying societal and scientific issues. A global pioneer in bringing developing country voices into SRM discussions, SRMGI co-organised the first major SRM discussion meetings in China, Ethiopia, India, Jamaica, Senegal, Brazil, and many other countries of the Global South, always in concert with local partners.

  • Solar Radiation Management Governance Initiative


    The Solar Radiation Management Governance Initiative is an international, NGO-driven project that seeks to expand the global conversation around SRM geoengineering research and its governance. The initiative is neutral on whether SRM should ever be used, and seeks to engage new voices in discussions of the underlying societal and scientific issues. A global pioneer in bringing developing country voices into SRM discussions, SRMGI co-organised the first major SRM discussion meetings in China, Ethiopia, India, Jamaica, Senegal, Brazil, and many other countries of the Global South, always in concert with local partners.

Minimum degree held
Solar radiation management, Climate change, Agriculture, Natural disasters, Climate impact analysis, Geoengineering, Climate Engineering
Age limit

The Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) offers fellowships for women who have completed their PhDs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics subjects and are employed at an academic or scientific research institute in a science and technology lagging country. Early Career fellows will be supported to establish an environment at their institution where they can maintain an international standard of research and attract scholars from all over the world to collaborate.

The call is closed
Partner Organizations
  • International Development Research Centre


    IDRC supports research in developing countries to create real and lasting change. This knowledge can be used as a tool for addressing pressing global challenges.

    Part of Canada’s foreign affairs and development efforts, IDRC invests in knowledge, innovation, and solutions to improve the lives of people in the developing world.

  • International Development Research Centre


    IDRC supports research in developing countries to create real and lasting change. This knowledge can be used as a tool for addressing pressing global challenges.

    Part of Canada’s foreign affairs and development efforts, IDRC invests in knowledge, innovation, and solutions to improve the lives of people in the developing world.

Minimum degree held
Agricultural Sciences; Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology; Biological Systems and Organisms; Medical and Health Sciences; Chemical Sciences; Engineering Sciences; Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences; Mathematical Sciences; Physics; Computing
Age limit