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New members elected

New members elected

TWAS has announced the election of 58 new members, including 11 women. The election took place at the Academy's 21st General Meeting in Hyderabad, India, on Tuesday, 19 October 2010. The current membership now stands at 1,000

The new TWAS members, who will be inducted at the Academy's 22nd General Meeting at TWAS's headquarters in Trieste, Italy, in November 2011, are:

01. Agricultural sciences

ALMOMIN, Sabah (Kuwait); b. 6-7-1956. PhD, Research Scientist, Biotechnology Dept, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Safat, Kuwait. A scientist focusing on using science for national development, she has developed a DNA diagnostic probe for brucellosis, cloned the first lamb using embryo split and transfer, and conducted a population genetic analysis of local fish. An elected member of Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science, she has won the Distinguished Reviewer award of the King Abdulaziz City for Science & Technology, Saudi Arabia. 
Elected as Fellow

ARRUDA, Paulo (Brazil): b. 5-4-1952. PhD., Professor, Centro de Biologia Molecular e Engenharia Genetica, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas SP, Brazil. Prof. Arruda has made important contributions to the field of plant molecular biology, genomics and biotechnology that have led to the understanding of amino acid biosynthesis, gene regulation, stress response, and whole genomic analysis of plants and bacteria.  A member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and Member of the Order of National Scientific merit, Arruda has won the RedBio medal Award from the Latin America Biotechnology Network of FAO in 2001. 
Elected as Fellow

CERRI, Carlos Clemente (Brazil): b. 10-11-1946. PhD, Professor, Centro de Energie Nuclear na Agricultura, Universidad de Sao Paolo, Brazil. Cerri is a soil scientist with expertise in the dynamics of soil organic matter. He pioneered the use of C-13 tracer to follow the gain and loss of soil organic matter in soil science. A fellow of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, he has been awarded the Medalha Fernando Costa, Comendado de Ordem de Merito Cientifico of Brazil and the Chevalier dans l'Ordre of France, and winner of the Ernesto Illy Trieste Science Prize in 2009.
Elected as Fellow

HEONG, Kong Luen (Malaysia): b. 2-6-1948. PhD, DSC, Senior Scientist, International Rice Research Institute, Metro Manila, Philippines. Heong has made significant contributions in ecology, biodiversity and education of pest management. He developed insect population models for understanding predator-prey and insect-plant relationships, and quantified food webs in rice ecosystems and the impact of pesticides on biodiversity. Understanding the farmers’ decision making, he designed communication campaigns and entertainment-education concepts for farmer education. A fellow of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia and of the World Academy of Arts and Sciences, UK, he has won, inter alia, Dubai International Award for best Practice in 2008, and the Golden Rice Award of Vietnam in 2002 and 2003. 
Elected as Fellow

KAMAL-ELDIN, Afaf (Sudan): b. 1962. PhD, Professor, Department of Food Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden. With over 115 research paper and review articles in peer reviewed journals and over 20 book chapters Kamal Edin is one of the leaders in her field. Her research contributed significantly to the understanding bioreactivity of various plant dietry compounds, with implication to human and animal health. Fellow of the Sudanese Academy of Sciences, she has given the Marcuse lecture of LIPIDFORM in 1997.
Elected as Fellow

02. Structural, cell and molecular biology

MACCIONI, Hugo J. F. (Argentina): b. 17-1-1941. PhD, Professor Emeritus, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Chair, CIQUIBC, Ciudad Universitaria, Cordoba, Argentina. Prof. Maccioni demonstrated that glycosyltransferases are physically and functionally associated in Golgi membranes and disclosed the requirements for their exit from the endoplasmic reticulum via COPII vesicles for transport to the Golgi apparatus. Corresponding member of the National Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, Buenos Aires, Argentina, he has won the SRT Dorado Award, and the Award for Scientific Excellence of CICT, Province of Cordoba, as well as the Bernardo Houssay Prize of the Argentine Society of Biology, in 2001.
Elected as Fellow

MUNIYAPPA, K. (India): b. 8-9-1952. PhD, Professor of Biochemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. Muniyappa has a long and distinguished record of original contributions to our understanding of chromosome synapsis, homologous recombination and telomere length regulation. He has pioneered the study on the roles of DNA damage response proteins in telomere homeostasis, senescence and cell cycle checkpoint control, and related effects. Fellow of all three science academies of India, Muniyappa has won the Bhatnagar, Kempe Gowda, Vishwanath Memorial, and Sreenivassayya Memorial Awards, the JC Bose Fellowship, the Yamagiwa International Cancer Award of UICC, Switzerland.
Elected as Fellow

VIJAYRAGHAVAN, K. (India): b. 3-2-1954. PhD, Senior Professor and Director, National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, India. VijayRaghavan is an outstanding developmental geneticist and neurobiologist. His work has revealed important principles and mechanisms that control the assembly and wiring of nerves and muscles during development, and he has recently begun to define how these neuromuscular circuits direct specific locomotor behaviours. A fellow of all three science academies of India, he has won the Bhatnagar Prize, and the first Infosys Science Prize in Life Sciences in 2009.
Elected as Fellow

YAO, Meng-Chao (Taiwan, China): b. 21-3-1949. PhD, Director & Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, China. Yao was among the first to discover and define the global DNA rearrangement processes in Tetrahymena, and has revealed the mechanistic details of some of these processes. He also linked some of these mechanisms to human cancer progression. Elected fellow of Academia Sinica, he has won the distinguished alumni award of National Taiwan University and has been a professor at the Fred Hutchinson Center of Cancer Research in Seattle, WA, USA.
Elected as Fellow

YUSOFF, Khatijah Mohamad (Malaysia): b. 12-7-1956. PhD, Deputy Secretary General (Science), Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation, Malaysia, Putrajaya, Malaysia. Her major research interests are in the molecular biology of animal viruses (NDV, NiV, RSV, HBV). Some of her work includes the determination of the first complete sequence of the L gene, epitope mapping of the haemagglutinin-neuraminidase and fusion proteins, and the molecular biology of local NDV strains. Her other research interest includes poultry viruses such as infectious bronchitis, bursal diseas and chicken anemia viruses. Fellow of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia and of the Islamic World Academy of Sciences, she has won, among others, the 2005 Carlos Finlay Prize for meritorious work in microbiology by UNESCO.
Elected as Fellow

03. Biological systems and organisms

ASFAW, Berhane (Ethiopia): b. 22-8-1954. PhD, Director, Rift Valley Research Service, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. A paleoanthropologist by training, Asfaw has conducted extensive survey in the Ethiopian Rift Valley, stretching from the southern Afar in the north to the Ethio-Kenyan border in the south, unearthing many fossils recorded among the earliest hominids, some dated to over 5 Ma old. He also helped discover hominid species dated 80,000YBP, one of the earliest homo sapiens. A member of the launching board of the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences in 2009, he is an associate member of the American Academy of Sciences of USA.
Elected as Fellow

DIAZ, Sandra Myrna (Argentina): b. 27-10-1961. PhD, Professor of Community and Ecosystems Ecology, Univ. Nac. De Cordoba, Argentina. Diaz’s research interests lie in how plant functional traits are affected by environmental drivers and affect ecosystem properties and their derived social benefits. Together with colleagues from different areas of knowledge, she is currently working on the development of ecological and social tools to analyze the origin and maintenance of functional diversity, and the links between its components and various ecosystem benefits provided to societies. An elected Associate Foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences of USA in 2008, she has won the Cozzarelli Prize, Taborda Award and Zayed International Prize; the Peace Nobel Prize of 2007, given to IPCC included her as a member. 
Elected as Fellow

ZHAO, Jindong (China): b. 11-11-1956. PhD, Professor, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, Hubei, China. He has been studying various aspects of cyanobacteria and made meaningful contributions to our understanding of the mechanism of cell differentiation in cyanobacteria and the regulation of light distribution between the two photosystems there. Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he has received the first and second prizes of natural science research in 2006 and 2007, respectively, of the Chinese Ministry of S&T, and also the HLHL Prize in biological sciences in 2008.
Elected as Fellow

ZHUANG, Wen-Ying (China): b. 27-7-1948. PhD, Research Professor, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. She is a renowned mycologist and fungal biologist, with her main focus on the taxonomy and phylogeny of fungi. She has discovered many new fungal taxa, contributed to fungal systematics through integrated biological approaches that have renovated traditional treatments. She also established Rhizoscyphus as a segregated new genus from the genus Hymenscyphus. A member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, she has won the 3rd class Prize for Natural Sciences from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. She is on the editorial board of 4 different international journals in mycology and plant taxonomy.
Elected as Fellow

04. Medical and health sciences (inc. neurosciences)

BARALLE, Francisco (Argentina): b. 26-10-1943. MD, PhD, Director General, ICGEB, Trieste, Italy, and New Delhi, India. A distinguished bio-organic chemist, he earlier sequenced the noncoding regions of rabbit globin mRNA, functionally analysed the RNA polymerase III promoters and more recently has studied mitonic mutations and their consequences in detail. An elected corresponding Member of Argentina National Academy of Sciences and Member of EMBO, of the Ordine dei Medici of Trieste and of Milan, he has over 200 research papers.
Elected as Associate Fellow

GAZZINELLI, Ricardo T. (Brazil and USA): b. 8-9-1960. Professor, Laboratorio de Immunopatologia, centro de Pesquisas Rene Rachou- Fundacao Osawldo Cruz, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. He is well recognized for his seminal work on elucidating molecular and cellular mechanisms by which innate immunity mediates host resistance to infection and diseases caused by intracellular protozoan parasites. Fellow of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences since 2000, he has won the TWAS Prize for Medical Sciences in the year 2009, SCOPUS award for Latin America– Elsevier/CAPES 2007, Comendador – National Award for Scientific Achievement, 2007, Secretary of Science and Technology Minas Gerais State, Basic Research Prize - Marcus Mares-Guia, 2009.
Elected as Fellow

HE, Lin (China): b. 17-7-1953. PhD, Professor, Bio-X Centre, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China. He has made basic and significant contributions to the understanding of causative genes and molecular aetiologies of genetic diseases, such as the IHH gene causing brachydactyly type A-1, a 100 years’ genetic puzzle and widely quoted textbook example, “He-Zhao Deficiency”, and systematic studies of occurrence of psychiatric disorders. A member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he has won the TWAS Prize in Biological Sciences in the year 2009, the HLHL Award in 2002, and several Young Scientist Awards in China.
Elected as Fellow

ISMAIL, Asma (Malaysia): b. 15-6-1958. PhD, Professor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. She has discovered an antigenically specific 50kDa outer membrane protein in Salmonella typhi, leading to the dot EIA test called TYPHIDOT TM, commercialized in 1994. This later led the improved version TYPHIDOT M-TM in 1998, and to the DNA based dipstick test, to detect in typhoid carriers, which is yet to be marketed. She is actively involved in the National Strategic Planning for Higher Education, Cluster Working group on Healthcare biotechnology, and the National Strategic Planning and Advisory for Biotechnology, Malaysia. Her leadership capabilities in scientific strategies gained recognition as a Board of Trustees, Women scientists of the Muslim World. A member of the Council of the Academy of Sciences, Malaysia, she has won many awards and medals. 
Elected as Fellow

WU, Kenneth K. (Taiwan, China): b 6-7-1941. MD, MS, PhD, Distinguished Investigator and President, National Health Research Institute, Zhunan Township, Taiwan, China. An internationality respected vascular biologist, Wu has made seminal contributions to the understanding of thrombosis at the molecular level, and made advances to the basic knowledge and therapeutic approaches. Fellow of Academia Sinica and European Academy of Sciences, he has won the SANOFI Prize and University of Texas-Houston Health Science Center President’s Scholar Award.
Elected as Fellow

05. Chemical sciences

AL-KINDY, Salma M.Z. (Oman): b. 15-2-1960. PhD, Associate Professor in Chemistry Sultan Qaboos University Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. She is an analytical chemist who has developed the methodology and instrumentation for drug analysis in pharma and biological matrices, monitoring pollutants and toxic metal ions in lesser known Omani plants using GC and GC–MS. She was a winner of the Overseas Research support awarded by UK.
Elected as Fellow

CHAKRAVARTY, Akhil R. (India): b. 20-5-1953. PhD, Professor, Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. One of the finest inorganic chemists of India, he has developed the hitherto unknown chemistry of 3d metal-based synthetic photonucleases as potent photodynamic therapeutic agents, and DNA-binders cum photosensitizers with phototoxic effects in visible light. Fellow of INSA and IASC, he has won India’s Bhatnagar, CRSI and JC Bose Awards.
Elected as Fellow

GALEMBECK, Fernando (Brazil): b. 21-1-1943. PhD, Professor, Institute of Chemistry, University of Campinas, Ciudade Universitaria Zeferino Vaz, Campinas, Brazil. He has created new methods and techniques for polymer surface modification. His findings on amorphous aluminum phosphates and natural rubber nanocomposites led to the creation of two companies, in the US and Brazil. Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and São Paulo State Academy of Science, he has won the Retorta de Ouro, Fritz Feigl, Simão Mathias, Abiquim, Eloisa Mano, Álvaro Alberto Prizes; and Great Cross of the Brazilian Order of Scientific Merit.
Elected as Fellow

GHOSH, Swapan K. (India): b. 4-9-1949. PhD, Head, Theoretical Chemistry Section, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India. Ghosh has formulated density functional theory for time-dependent quantum systems involving electric and magnetic fields and classical fluids and other soft matter systems, and has developed a new mode coupling theory and new universal scaling laws for diffusivity in fluid mixtures. He has been elected to all three science academies of India, and has won the silver medal of the Chemical Research Society of India.
Elected as Fellow

MAMMO, Wendimagegn (Ethiopia): b. 12-11-1954. PhD, Department of Chemistry, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. An expert in the isolation and characterization of secondary metabolites from the medicinal plants of Ethiopia, Mammo has also synthesized a variety of poly-thiophenes, polyfluorene copolymers useful in photo-voltaics. He is the editor-in-chief of the Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia.
Elected as Fellow

WAN, Li-Jun (China): b. 23-7-1957. PhD, Professor, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. Wan has successfully developed high resolution imaging technology of ECSTM and applied this technique to carry out fundamental physical chemistry study on single molecules (molecular conformation, molecular structure, recognition, and orientation on solid surface), molecular assembly (molecular arrangement, chirality, adlayer structure), and molecular reactions on solid surfaces. Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he has won the TWAS Prize 2009 in Chemistry, the National and State awards in Natural Science, and the CCS-BASF Young Innovation Prize.
Elected as Fellow

ZHAO, Dongyuan (China): b. 3-6-1963. PhD, Professor in Chemistry, Fudan University, Shanghai, China. Zhao has made many breakthroughs in the synthesis of ordered mesoporous materials. His discovery of two families of novel mesoporous materials (SBA and FDU) are regarded as a milestone in the mesoporous-materials community. He has authored 330 papers in high-impact international journals and 37 patents. His papers have been extensively cited for more than 18,000 times (h-index 65) with single paper over 3300 times. A member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he has won the TWAS Prize in Chemistry in 2008, and the HLHL Prize in 2009.
Elected as Fellow

06. Engineering sciences

ALMEIDA, Virgilio (Brazil): b. 25-3-1950. PhD, Professor, DCC-IXEX-UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. He is known for his contribution to locality as a universal behaviour of all computational processes, and for introducing analytical models for both temporal and spatial locality of reference in streams of requests in the web. He has also developed a cost-performance model that showed a heterogeneous capacity distribution to be preferable to a homogeneous one in parallel systems. Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, he has won the Premio FUNDEP Research Award, and the National Order of Scientific Merit of Brazil.
Elected as Fellow

HU, Haiyan (China): b. 4-10-1956. PhD, President & Professor of Mechanics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China. He is known for outstanding contributions to the dynamics and control of nonlinear/complicated systems in aerospace technology and other high-technologies, especially for the pioneering advances in the dynamics and control of nonlinear mechatronic systems with delayed feedback, the dynamics and control of non-smooth mechanical systems, and the dynamics of nano-scale systems. A member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hu has won the Xu Zhilun Prize, and the National Prize for Science, and also the National Prize for Scientific and Technological Development. 
Elected as Fellow

KUMAR, Panganamala Ramana (USA): b. 21-4-1952. PhD, DSc, Franklin Woeltge Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, USA. Professor Kumar’s major contributions are in the following fields: Adaptive control and stochastic systems, Manufacturing systems, Queueing systems, and Information theory and wireless networks. He has developed models to quantitatively understand wireless networks, addressed their scalability, and initiated a large network information theory. He has examined protocols for medium access, power control, routing, cross layer design, and QoS, studied in-network information processing in sensor networks, clock synchronization. A Fellow of the US National Academy of Engineering, and of IEEE, he is also a Guest Research Professor at the Tsinghua University, China until 2010.
Elected as Associate Fellow

MARWALA, Tshilidzi (South Africa): b. 28-7-1971. PhD, Executive Dean, faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of Johannesburg, South Africa. He has been developing advanced mathematical and intelligent computational methods and applying these for modelling complex engineering, biomedical and social systems. These developments include pseudo-modal energies, neuro-rough models and Genetic Monte Carlo procedures. A Fellow of the Academy of Science of South Africa, and of South African Academy of Engineering, he has won the TWAS-AAS- Microsoft Award for Young Scientists in 2009 and the Bronze Order of Mapungubwe in 2004.
Elected as Fellow

SHARMA, Ashutosh (India): b. 22-8-1961. PhD, Institute Chair Professor in Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India. He has made noteworthy contributions in mesomechanics, self-organization and instabilities in visco-elastic thin films, meso-patterning and fabrication in polymers and carbon, and functional multiscale interfaces for biology, energy and environmental applications. A Fellow of all three Science Academies and of the Engineering Academy of India, he has won the Bhatnagar and Bhabha Awards of India, and the TWAS Prize in Engineering Sciences in 2008.
Elected as Fellow

SOROOSHIAN, Soroosh (USA): b. 2-7-1948. PhD., Distinguished Professor, Departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth System Science, University of California Irvine, USA. Sorooshian is renowned for his development of hydrological models for use both by operational hydrological services worldwide and for leadership in the interdisciplinary field of bridging hydrology, meteorology and remote sensing for addressing critical global water resource issues. Fellow of US National Academy of Engineering, he has won the NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal in 2005, UNESCO Great Man-made River Prize 2007, and the Walter Orr Robert Lecturer in Interdisciplinary Sciences Award.
Elected as Associate Fellow

YADAV, Ganapati D. (India): b. 14-9-1952. PhD, Dean and Head, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Mumbai Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India. Yadav has made seminal contributions to catalysis and green chemistry and technology, some of which are commercialized. He has propounded the selectivity engineering principles elegantly through the development of novel solid superacids and new concepts in phase transfer catalysis. Fellow of two of India's science academies, he has won a large number of academic and professional awards, notably the Dr. K. Anji Reddy Innovator of the Year Award, the VASVIK Award and the Hindustan Lever Biennial Award for the Most Outstanding Chemical Engineer of the Year.
Elected as Fellow

ZHENG, Xiaojing (China): b. 12-05-1958. PhD, Vice President & Professor, School of Civil Engineering and mechanics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu, China. She is known for his observations and quantitative simulations on the formation and evolution of wind-blown sand flow and aeolian geomorphology; on magneto-solid mechanics including magnetic force and constitutive models of ferromagnetic materials and quantitative solutions; and for exact solutions to von Karman's equations of thin plates and the convergence proofs of the approximate analytical solutions. Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, she has won the Chinese Natural Science Award.
Elected as Fellow

07. Earth, astronomy and space sciences

CUI, Xiangqun (China): b. 25-12-1951. PhD, Director, Najing Institute of Astronomical Optics and Technology, Nanjing, China. She has successfully realized the innovative telescope Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST), which has the capability to obtain tens of millions celestial spectra, thus substantially contributing to the study of cosmology in dark energy, large scale structure and evolution of galaxies. A member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, she has won the Science & Technology Progress Award of the Jiangsu Province twice, and of China twice, and 2009 National Outstanding Expertise Person awarded by the Chinese Ministry of Human Resources and the Ministry of Science and Technology.
Elected as Fellow

DIOP, E. Salif (Senegal): b. 31-10-1950. PhD, Professor and UNESCO Chair at the University CAD, Dakar, Senegal. His main areas of work are focused on water and environment (freshwater, coastal and marine waters and wetlands), evaluation of marine waters and continental programmes, assessment of groundwater, geosphere-biosphere interactions; integrated management of marine areas and coastal interfaces land/sea/ atmosphere, and assessment of water as a factor of sustainable development. A member of the African Academy of Sciences, and National Academy of Sciences and techniques, Senegal, he is part of IPCC which received the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. 
Elected as Fellow

HO, Paul (Taiwan, China): b. 14-12-1951. PhD, Director of Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, China. Ho has been responsible for setting up the Submillimetre Array (SMA), which jumpstarted the growth of astronomy in Taiwan. Likewise, he helped set up the Array for Microwave Background Anisotropy (AMIBA), the first telescope for cosmological studies in Asia. An academician of the Academia Sinica, he has won the Miller, Henri Chretian and Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowships. 
Elected as Fellow

PIMENTEL, Marcio (Brazil): b. 11-3-1959. DPhil, Full Professor, Instituto de Geociencias, Universidade federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. He identified the Goiás Magmatic Arc which represents the existence of a large oceanic basin separating the present-day Amazon region from the rest of Brazil during the Neoproterozoic. Fellow of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, he has won the Martelo de Prata Prize, José Bonifácio Medal, Comenda da Ordem Nacional do Mérito Científico, 2009, and the Spendiarov International Prize - 2000- Russian Academy of Sciences.
Elected as Fellow

ZHOU, Weijian (China): b. 23-3-1953. PhD, Director, State Key Lab of Loess and Quaternary Geology, Institute of Earth and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an, China. She has pioneered chronostratigraphic and geochemical tracer techniques using loess 10Be and 14C for Quaternary studies, applied these to numerous paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental studies in East Asia and revolutionized our understanding of north-south hemispheres interactions. Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, she has won several national natural Science awards.
Elected as Fellow

08. Mathematical sciences

CHIDUME, Charles E. (Nigeria): b. 11-8-1947. PhD, Professor of Mathematics/ Senior Vice President/Provost, African University of Science & Technology, Abuja, Nigeria. Chidume’s research achievements are in the area of nonlinear functional analysis, properties of Banach Spaces and nonlinear iterations. An elected member of the Nigerian Academy of Sciences, he was a research scientist at ICTP, Trieste between 1992 and 2009.
Elected as Fellow

GOLES, Eric (Chile): b. 21-8-1951. Doctorat d'Etat, Professor, Universidad Adolfo Ibanez, Facultad de Ingeniera y Ciencias, Penalolen, Santiago, Chile. He is known for his introduction of algebraic invariants and discrete lyapunor functions for the study of the dynamical threshold networks, application of lattice and distribution game theory to the “sand pile” problem. Fellow of the Chilean Academy of Sciences, and of the Croatian Academy of Sciences, he has won the M. Noriega Morales Scientific Prize, National Science Prize, Ordem de Rio Branco Gran de Comendador of Brazil, and also the UNESCO-CNRS Jules Verne Prize
Elected as Fellow

HAYAT, Tasawar (Pakistan): b. 1-1-1969. PhD, Distinguished National Professor, Department of Mathematics, Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. Hayat has worked mainly on problems involving mathematical modelling of engineering and environmental processes, including heat transfer, magnetohydrodynamic flows, symmetry analysis and computer applications in nonlinear science. A fellow of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, he has been an associate member of the Abdus Salam ICTP, and the recipient of the Abdus Salam Prize in Mathematics (1999), a TWAS Young Scientist Prize (2000) and several other national medals and awards. 
Elected as Fellow

LANDIM, Claudio (Brazil): b. 28-1-1965. PhD, Dr Habilit., Full Professor, Instituto de matematica Pura e Aplicada, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. His research is on sharp bounds of the spectral gap of generators of conservative dynamics from which one can deduce the convergence to equilibrium of particle systems evolving in infinite volume; a dynamical fluctuation theory for stationary non equilibrium states including a nonlinear hydrodynamic regime; non-equilibrium fluctuations of tracer particles; and hydrodynamic limit of interacting particle systems evolving in random media. Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, he won the TWAS Prize in Mathematics in 2006. 
Elected as Fellow

SOARES, Marcio G. (Brazil): b. 9-8-1952. PhD, Professor, Department of Mathematics, ICEx-UFMG, Belo-Horizonte, Brazil. Soares works at the interface of algebraic geometry and holomorphic foliations, in particular the geometric aspects of foliations through the search of invariants. The general focus has been on the theme of geometry of algebraic differential systems. He is a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and has won the FUNDEP Prize 2005 and the National Order of Scientific Merit of Brazil.
Elected as Fellow

09. Physics

FAN, Shoushan (China): b. 6-2-1947. MSc, Professor of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Fan's group has developed a method to make continuous pure carbon nanotube yarns and films with unique mechanical, thermal, electrical and optical properties, allowing them to be used to make micro and macroscopic nanotube devices and structures with a variety of applications. A member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he has received the Chang Jiang Scholars Achievement Award.
Elected as Fellow

KOFANE, Timoleon C. (Cameroon): b. 4-8-1956. PhD, HDR, Full Professor in Physics, University of Yaounde, Yaounde, Cameroon. He is thought to be the originator of the well known parametrized double wall potential, extensively used in phase transitions in quantum tunnelling. He also set up the Hamiltonian describing the spin dynamics of ferromagnets subject to easy-plane anisotropy and a parametrized Zeeman Energy. A Fellow of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences, and also of the African Academy of Sciences, he has been a Senior Associate of ICTP, Trieste.
Elected as Fellow

KOILLER, Belita (Brazil): b. 1-12-1949. PhD, Professor of Physics, Instituto de Fisica UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She is known for her seminal contributions to condensed matter physics, including the first application of the renormalization group to the calculation of the properties of electrons, phonons and other excitations in solids, and her work on quantum computing with silicon, which has important implications for the design of solid state quantum computers. Fellow of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, she has won the Brazilian National Order of Scientific Merit, and also the UNESCO-L’Oréal Award For Women in Science in 2005.
Elected as Fellow

LITTLEWOOD, Peter Brent (United Kingdom): b. 18-5-1955. PhD, Professor of Physics, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK. Well known for his theory of amplitude collective modes in superconductors, the dynamics of charge density waves, the phenomenology of high temperature superconductors and colossal magnetoresistance manganites, and the theory of Bose-Einstein condensation of polariton, he is a fellow of the Royal Society, London. He sits on the University's Cambridge-India Partnership Group, is also on the advisory board of the International Collaborative Centre on Quantum Matter (ICC-QM), located in Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
Elected as Associate Fellow

MONDAL, Naba Kumar (India): b. 11-3-1951. PhD, Senior Professor in High Energy Physics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India. He was associated with the pioneering Kolar Gold Field (KGF) Proton Decay and Neutrino experiment. He participated in the DZERO experiment at Fermilab and was involved in the discovery of top quark. He is presently leading a team setting up an underground laboratory, the India-Based Neutrino Observatory (INO). Fellow of all science academies of India, he is also a National JC Bose Fellow.
Elected as Fellow

QUEVEDO, Fernando (Guatemala/Spain); b. 12-5-1956. PhD, DSC (hc), Director ICTP - Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy and Professor of Theoretical Physics at Cambridge University. A leader in string theory, he is known for the explicit construction of first realistic string models (4-dimensions, 4 physical interactions, 3 families of quarks and leptons, etc.), introducing S-duality in string theory, introducing non-abelian T-duality in string theory, and identifying the cosmological moduli problem as a generic low-energy property of string models. He has won the Royal Society’s Wolfson Merit.
Elected as Associate Fellow

TONG, Shuk-yin (China): b. 21-4-1942. PhD, Deputy President and Chair Professor of Physics, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. Tong is known for the development of practical solutions of surface structure achieving sub-nano precision determination of positions of atoms in the surface region of solids using electron diffraction methods. A member of Chinese Academy of Sciences, he has been a Royal Society Distinguished Professorship Awardee, and the Croucher Foundation Senior Research Awardee.
Elected as Fellow

10. Social and economic sciences

ANDRIAMANANJARA, Rajaone (Madagascar): b. 1-12-1942. PhD, President, Madagascar’s National Academy of Arts, Letters and Science, Antananarivo, Madagascar. Economist by training, he has been studying development project management and planning, and the history and livelihood of Malagasy households crossing the millennium 1990-2006, and labour mobilization. Fellow of Madagascar’s as well as African Academy of Sciences, he has won the Grand Croix, the Grand Officier and the Commander of Madagascar’s National Order. 
Elected as Fellow

BOUJAOUDE, Saouma (Lebanon): b. 22-9-1950. PhD, Professor, Department of Education, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon. BouJaoude’s research on science education with Arab world in general, and Lebanon in particular, has had impact on the training of science teachers, and on the curriculum. He has studied the student’s perception of the theory of evolution, and on the nature of science. He won the TWAS Regional Office’s Prize for Science education in 2008.
Elected as Fellow

CHU, Cyrus C.Y. (Taiwan, China): b. 29-10-1955. PhD, Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, China. A world-wide leading scholar in demographic economics, Chu has analysed the population problem based on rich classifying criteria such as income, occupation, sex and bequests. He has also made significant innovations in criminal sanction, legal procedure, punitive damages, constitutional philosophy and other topics. An Academician of Academia Sinica, he has won the National Science Council of Taiwan’s Distinguished Research Awards, and the Presidential Science Award of Taiwan.
Elected as Fellow

FANG, Xin (China): b. 21-1-1955. PhD, Professor and Member, Presidium, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Baijing, China. Trained in engineering and in engineering economics, she has done systematic studies on science and technology development strategy and policy, especially in industrial technology policy and national innovation system. Many of her policy recommendations have been adopted by the Chinese government. She has won the Young Scientist award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the S & T Progress Awards, and is the President of the Third World Organization of Woman Scientists (TWOWS). 
Elected as Fellow

JANSEN, Jonathan D. (South Africa): b. 29-9-1956. PhD, Professor, Vice Chancellor and Principal, the University of Free State, Blomfontein, South Africa. His landmark work has been on inter-generational transfer of knowledge from white Afrikaaner parents to their children born after the cataclysm of apartheid, and the role of disruptive pedagogical interventions that break the cycle of transference. A member of the Academy of Science of South Africa, he has received an honorary Doctor of Education degree from the University of Edinburgh. His recent book: “Knowledge in the Blood: confronting race and the apartheid past” led to the review: “it could do for questions of South Africa identity what Edward Said achieved for Palestinian and Arab identity. And it could definitely be a strong Grawemeyer award candidate”.
Elected as Fellow

TZENG, Ovid J-L (Taiwan, China): b. 8-9-1944. PhD, Academician and Distinguished Research Fellow, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, China. A psychologist and cognitive neuroscientist, he established a dual-system working model for human memory. His phase retrieval model of temporal coding specifies how temporal information is encoded and later retrieved via an organized rehearsal network. His research also details the language-universal as well as language-specific properties of brain processes across different wiring systems in the brain. Academician of Academia Sinica, Tzeng has won the Golden Words Award 2008, outstanding scholar Award of Taiwan’s National Science Council, and the national Phi Tak Phi Distinguished Service Award.
Elected as Fellow

YEH, Anthony Gar-on (China): b. 28-10-1952. PhD, Chair Professor, Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China. Yeh is a pioneer in the development of advanced GIS methods and models for the planning of sustainable development, especially in the development of cellular automata urban planning models. He is also internationally well known for his distinguished study of urban spatial structures in Hong Kong and China. An Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), he has won the Commonwealth Foundation Conference Award twice, the S& T Advancement Award of the CAS, among others.
Elected as Fellow