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TWAS Medal Lectures 2011

TWAS Medal Lectures 2011

The Council of TWAS has awarded 'TWAS Medal Lectures' to three TWAS members in recognition of their achievements in their fields of research. The scientists honoured will lecture on a main aspect of their work at the next TWAS General Meeting.

TWAS Medal Lectures 2011The 2011 TWAS Medal Lecturers are:

  • Anthony K. CHEETHAM (AFTWAS 1998; Section: 5-Chemical sciences). Cheetham is professor of materials science at Cambridge University, UK, and professor of solid state chemistry at the Royal Institution in London. He has contributed to research on advanced materials including magnetic oxides, defect materials, porous solids and catalysis. His work on open framework structures and computer simulation of microporous solids is especially noteworthy.
  • Ivan Antonio IZQUIERDO (FTWAS 2007; Section: 4-Medical and health sciences). Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Izquierdo became a Brazilian citizen in 1981. He has uncovered the main molecular mechanisms of memory formation, retrieval, extinction and persistence in the hippocampus and other areas of the brain. Much of his work has important clinical applications. He works at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre in Brazil.
  • Mohamed NAJIM (AFTWAS 1998; Section: 6-Engineering sciences). Najim is director of the Signal and Image Processing Laboratory at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Electronique et de Radioélectricité de Bordeaux (ENSERB), Université de Bordeaux I. He linked signal and image processing by considering signals and images as part of a continuum model, and he has devised new methods of adaptive control in automatic control, using them successfully in several industrial applications.