
Press room

Giovanni Ortolani
Public Information Officer
Via Beirut, 6
Enrico Fermi Building, Room 112
Office: +39 040 2240-324

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Staff writer
Via Beirut, 6
Enrico Fermi Building, Room 113
Phone: +39 040 2240-429
Mobile: +39 338 430-5210

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Staff Writer
Via Beirut, 6
Enrico Fermi Building, Room T8/2
Office: +39 040 2240-538

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TWAS Young Affiliates: The 2023 call is open

TWAS Young Affiliates: The 2023 call is open

Early-career scientists can gain connections and opportunities through TWAS

Every year, TWAS’s Regional Partners select up to 25 scientists younger than 40 as Young Affiliates. The honour is given to developing-nation researchers with at least 10 international publications who show potential for a high-impact career.

During their six-year tenure, Young Affiliates build networks with other affiliates and with elected TWAS Fellows and attend international conferences such as the TWAS General Meeting.

To be eligible for selection, researchers must:

  • be aged 40 or less on 1 January of the year in which they are selected;
  • have been living and working in a developing country for at least the preceding three years;
  • have an excellent track record of at least 10 international publications in peer-reviewed journals.

Interested scientists should contact the TWAS Regional Partner in their region by following the guidelines below.

View countries served by each Regional Partner

To learn more about how Young Affiliates are chosen, check here.

TWAS Central and South Asia Regional Partner (TWAS-CASAREP)
at the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research in Bangalore, India

Deadline: 30 April 2023

Contact person: Prof. V. Krishnan, 

TWAS Arab Regional Partner (TWAS-AREP)
at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in Alexandria, Egypt

Deadline: 15 May 2023

Contact email:

Nominations can only be submitted at the following link:

TWAS Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Partner (TWAS-SAREP)
at the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) in Pretoria, South Africa

Deadline: 31 May 2023

Contact person: Kholani Mbhiza,

TWAS Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Partner (TWAS-LACREP)
at the Brazilian Academy of Sciences in Rio de Janeiro

Deadline: 4 August 2023

Contact person: Kenya Carvalho,

TWAS East and South-East Asia and the Pacific Regional Partner (TWAS-SAPREP)
at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, China

Deadline: 20 August 2023

Contact person: Ms Dongyao Wang,
