Daud Wan Ramli Wan
Principal Research Fellow, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Current nationality
Current country of residence
Affiliation / Institution
University of Malaya
Daud obtained BEng First Class Honours in chemical engineering from University of Monash, Australia (1978), and PhD degree in chemical engineering from University of Cambridge, UK (1984). He is Principal Research Fellow at University of Malaya. He was Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)-Petronas Professor of Sustainable Hydrogen Energy at Fuel Cell Institute, UKM (2019–2021); Professor of Chemical Engineering at Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, UKM (1996–2019); Founding Director and Principal Research Fellow of Fuel Cell Institute, UKM (2007–2021); Fellow of Academy of Sciences Malaysia 2012. He won the Merdeka Award in 2016, Malaysia’s top award for scientist; Anugerah Tokoh Akademik Bahasa Melayu (2020) for advancing Malay as language of science; and Highly Cited Researcher Awards 2015–2022. His research areas are on green hydrogen energy, e.g. photoelectrochemical cells, electrolysis and microbial electrolysis cells; fuel cells technology, e.g. proton exchange membrane, solid oxide, direct methanol and microbial fuel cells; and sustainable industrial drying technology.
Sustainable Development Goals
Green hydrogen energy, chemical and microbial electrolysis, zero emission, fuel cells, sustainable industrial drying
05. Engineering & Computer Sciences
Country where living and working for the majority of the last 10 years
Public contact information
Department of Chemical Engineering – Faculty of Engineering – University of Malaya – 50603 Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia
List of publications
Last updated on 12/07/2023