Nobel prize info
Nobel Prize, Physics, 2004
Gross David
Chancellor's Chair Professor of Theoretical Physics
Nobel prize info
Nobel Prize, Physics, 2004
Current nationality
United States of America (the)
Current country of residence
United States of America (the)
Past nationality
United States of America (the)
Affiliation / Institution
KITP, University of California Santa Barbara
Gross (PhD 1966, UC Berkeley) is permanent member, Kavli Inst. for Theoretical Physics, UC Santa Barbara, where he was director (1997-2012). He was Thomas Jones Prof. of Mathematical Physics, Princeton U. Gross has made important contributions to particle physics and string theory, incl. the discovery of asymptotic freedom and development of quantum chromodynamics, the theory of the nuclear, strong force; and the discovery and development of heterotic string theory. His awards include: MacArthur Prize; Dirac Medal; Oscar Klein Medal; Harvey Prize; EPS Particle Physics Prize; Grande Medaille d'Or; Nobel Prize in Physics, 2004. He holds hon. degrees from the US, Britain, France, Belgium, Hong Kong, Cambodia, Israel,Brazil and Argentina. He is a member of: US Natl. Academy of Science; American Academy of Arts and Sciences; American Philosophical Society; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Indian Academy of Science; Russian Academy of Sciences.
Sustainable Development Goals
Theoretical physics; elementary particles; high energy physics; string theory.
Place of birth
Washington, D.C.
Country of birth
08. Physics, Astronomy & Space Sciences
Country where living and working for the majority of the last 10 years
United States of America (the)
Last updated on 12/07/2023