Narlikar Jayant Vishnu
Current nationality
Current country of residence
Narlikar received his BSc (Banaras Hindu Univ., 1957) and PhD (1963) and ScD (1976) at Cambridge. In 1988 he became the foun. dir. of the Inter-Univ. Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics in Pune, where he was dir. until his retirement in 2003 and where he is now emeritus prof. He is SS Bhatnagar laureate (1978) in physics and has several other national awards including Padmavibhushan (2004). In 1996 he received the UNESCO Kalinga Award for science popularization. In 2004, he received the Janssen Medal of the Societe Astronomique de France. He is a fellow of the 3 natl. academies of science in India and assoc. of the Royal Astronomical Society, London. In 2012 he received TWAS Institution building award. He has received hon. doctorates from several Indian universities and also one from the Univ. of Natal, Durban, South Africa. In 2011 he received the State Award Maharashtra Bhushan.
08. Physics, Astronomy & Space Sciences
Country where living and working for the majority of the last 10 years
Last updated on 12/07/2023