Piao Shilong
Current nationality
Current country of residence
Affiliation / Institution
Peking University
Piao (PhD, 2004, Peking University, China) is Boya Distinguished Professor, director of Institute of Carbon Neutrality, deputy director of Department of Science, Peking University. He is a Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a Member of Standing Committee for the fourteenth Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He served on the Scientific Steering Committee for Global Carbon Project and acted as lead author for the fifth and sixth assessment reports of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. His researches have focused on the relationships between terrestrial ecosystems and climate change, and he has made systematic scientific achievements in assessing the carbon sink of China's terrestrial ecosystems, and the response and feedback of terrestrial ecosystems to climate change. He has published over 100 papers as first or corresponding author in peer-reviewed international journals, including four articles in Nature, many in Nature-branded journals and PNAS. His researches were elected as one of the Top 10 News of Chinese Fundamental Research in 2009 and Top 10 Scientific and Technological Advances in Chinese Higher Education Institutions in 2013.
Sustainable Development Goals
06. Earth, Climate & Environmental Sciences
TWAS Awards
TWAS Prize in Earth Sciences (2015)
Country where living and working for the majority of the last 10 years
Public contact information
Website, social media accounts or additional info
List of publications
Full Publications List.pdf
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Last updated on 12/07/2023