Sivaram Swaminathan
Current nationality
Current country of residence
Affiliation / Institution
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune
Sivaram is an Emeritus Professor and INSA Emeritus Scientist at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune, India. His previous positions include CSIR Bhatnagar Fellow (2010-15), J.C.Bose National Fellow(2005-14), and Director, CSIR-NCL, Pune, (2002-10). He has led research in polymer chemistry in the area of controlled synthesis of polymers, transition metal catalyzed polymerization of olefins, bio-degradable polymers, and new chemistry/catalysts for high-performance polymers. He has to his credit over 250 papers and 100 issued and applied patents. Awards: Padma Shri; Prof. Santappa Silver Jubilee Award; KG Naik Gold Medal, MS Univ. of Baroda; FICCI Award; Prof. SR Palit Memorial Award; Millennium Medal, Ind Sci Congress Assoc; Goyal Prize in App Sci; Gold Medal of Chem Res Soc of India for lifetime achievement in chemistry; International Award in Polymer Science, awarded by the Japan Promotion of Advancement of Science and DSc (h.c), Purdue Univ., USA. He is a fellow of the Indian Acad. of Sciences, Natl. Acad. of Sciences, Indian Natl. Science Acad., Indian Natl. Acad. of Eng., Roy. Soc. Chem., UK and IUPAC.
Sustainable Development Goals
Controlled polymer synthesis, biodegradable polymers, high performance polymers, polyolefins, polymers for energy applictions
05. Engineering & Computer Sciences
Country where living and working for the majority of the last 10 years
Public contact information
Ind Inst of Science Educ and Res
Last updated on 03/04/2024