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An engaging new film about TWAS captures the human dimension of scientific research in the developing world.
Three organizations with strong ties to TWAS stressed the key role of partnerships during talks at the General Meeting in Vienna.
A Pretoria, Sud Africa, quattro organizzazioni internazionali fra cui la TWAS presentano un accordo globale su accesso e uso dei "Big Data", per favorire la partecipazione del Sud del mondo.
Science International 2015, launches a campaign for "Open Data in a Big Data World" at Science Forum South Africa in Pretoria. The campaign is supported by ICSU, ISSC, IAP and TWAS.
Gestione condivisa delle delle risorse idriche: un impegno per le diplomazie mondiali di cui si discute al workshop Science Diplomacy della TWAS.
At the opening ceremony of the TWAS General Meeting, Austrian President Heinz Fischer was in the forefront urging scientific cooperation.
In a warm and emotional address, the former TWAS president recalled the successes that earned him the Abdus Salam Medal.
Il vincitore del premio CNR Rao 2015, il nepalese Bishal Upreti, riceve il prestigioso riconoscimento per i suoi studi sulla tettonica e sui terremoti del passato in Nepal.
South African S&T Minister Naledi Pandor explored the importance of R&D, technology and innovative partnerships at the TWAS General Meeting.
Hojamberdiev studia il modo di produrre idrogeno, un gas carrier a emissione zero - a partire da cristalli inorganici semplici.