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The African Academy of Sciences will hold a workshop on stem cell research and regenerative medicine from 16 to 18 June in Nairobi, Kenya. Deadline: 15 May.
Four TWAS Fellows have been named to the new UN Scientific Advisory Board, with a high-level assignment to advise Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Quattro membri della TWAS siedono nel comitato scientifico delle Nazioni Unite, da poco costituito per fornire al segretario generale UN Ban Ki-moon supporto scientifico su temi di impatto mondiale
Shih-Chang Lee, one of TWAS's newly elected Fellows, led the Taiwan team part in the recent discovery of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland.
Research by new TWAS Fellow Raman Sukumar helps wild elephants and farmers coexist peacefully
The Chinese Academy of Sciences and TWAS are organizing a summer training course for professionals to provide advanced knowledge of water and sanitation
At a forum organized by Rwandan President Paul Kagame and the World Bank, TWAS joined African leaders to discuss science and engineering in higher education
A May symposium organized by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and TWAS will establish a platform for communication among engineers, scientists and policymakers.

Ampliando e sfruttando la sua rete di contatti per dare visibilità alle proprie attività, la TWAS può ottenere un maggior impatto a livello globale, afferma il comitato direttivo dell’Accademia.
TWAS's Steering Committee approved the Academy's 2014 budget and discussed new ways to extend its global impact.