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Partha Dasgupta, membro della TWAS, lancia un appello alla comunità scientifica e agli economisti affinché non scordino di tutelare l'ambiente
"Just 24% of the members of the Mexican Academy of Sciences are women," says Rosaura Ruiz, the academy's president.
“Nanotechnology could aid the future of development of the Arab region,” says Mohamed H.A. Hassan, executive director of TWAS, the academy of sciences for the developing world
"Migration and Science", an article in the most recent issue of the TWAS newsletter, takes a close look at the brain drain phenomenon.
The director general of the Center for Earth Observation and Digital Earth at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, discussed the valuable role that science and technology can play in disaster forecasting
Science and diplomacy are closer than we think, argues David Miliband, UK foreign secretary, at the IAP General Assembly taking place at The Royal Society in London.
Economics professor Partha Dasgupta says we need new economic indicators that take into account the value of ecological systems.
Microsoft Research, TWAS and AAS reward three African computer scientists showing potential to accelerate economic development in Africa.
IMPA's long-standing programme to improve the teaching of highschool mathematics in Brazil has turned to the internet to help advance its goals.
TWAS editor Daniel Schaffer is in Paris at 'Berlin7', an international open access conference held at the Université Panthéon-Sorbonnes, where he spoke to Zhang Xiaolin