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Researchers and the private sector both would gain from closer ties, said photochemist Tatas Brotosudarmo at a TWAS Research Grants workshop.
Subra Suresh, pioneering researcher and TWAS Fellow, describes the impact of new technologies and multi-disciplinary research.
TWAS Research Grants awardees are convening in Nepal this week to explore the non-scientific skills that can help propel a scientist's career.
Nudrat Aisha Akram, a TWAS Young Affiliate from Pakistan, is exploring new approaches to help plants resist environmental stress.
It's time to nominate women scientists from Africa and scientists from S&T-lagging countries for three TWAS awards.
The TWAS executive director received an honourary PhD from the University of Johannesburg for his contributions to science and science education.
Decision-makers and institutions worldwide should treasure the skills of war-displaced scientists, experts said at a screening of TWAS's "Science in Exile" in Trieste, Italy.
TWAS and the Diplomatische Akademie Wien – Vienna School of International Studies (DA) seek candidates to participate in two workshops on Science Diplomacy.
Apply by 10 May for a symposium and workshop on atmospheric aerosols and climate change organized by the CAS-TWAS Center of Excellence for climate research.
An Elsevier-sponsored symposium at the TWAS General Meeting explored big data and machine learning.