science policy

Twas in Action
TWAS joins the Group of 77 and UNESCO in announcing the launch of an international organization designed to bring policymakers and scientists closer together
Twas in Action
Big changes are taking place in science in the developing world. But not all countries are sharing in the growth of scientific knowledge, says Mohamed H.A. Hassan, executive director of TWAS
Twas in Action
Despite small strides in advancing research and development, the Arab region still lags far behind other regions in investments in science, technology and innovation.
Twas in Action
“Nanotechnology could aid the future of development of the Arab region,” says Mohamed H.A. Hassan, executive director of TWAS, the academy of sciences for the developing world
Twas in Action
Lidia Brito from Mozambique, the new head of UNESCO's science policy division, outlines her plans for helping to strengthen the role of science in both development and diplomacy
Twas in Action
"India’s too big to be straight-jacketed into a single framework for science and technology," says Prithviraj Chavan, India's Minister of Science & Technology and Earth Sciences.