Pourghasemi, Hamid Reza

Current nationality
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Current country of residence
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Hamid Reza Pourghasemi earned his PhD in watershed management engineering and sciences, from Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), in 2014. He also holds an MSc in watershed management engineering from TMU (2008), and a BSc in range and watershed engineering from Gorgan University (2004). His current scientific interests include landslides modelling, natural hazards, multi-hazard mapping, machine learning, and spatial modelling in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS). He is also skilled in application of data mining/machine learning techniques in natural and man-made hazards (flood, gully erosion, forest fire, and land subsidence); application of GIS and RS in natural resources and environment; application of spatial multi criteria evaluation (SMCE) and analytical hierarchy process (AHP), and geo-statistics in hydrology. For his scientific results he has been selected as the best educational professor at Shiraz University, College of Agriculture (2017); distinguished researcher (2017); distinguished youngest researcher (2018); and distinguished researcher (2019) all at Shiraz University. Also, he was selected as Highly Cited Researcher in 2019 by Web Of Science.
Public contact information
Last updated on 16/01/2024