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Office: +39 040 2240-538

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TYAN: A helping hand to re-enter science

TYAN: A helping hand to re-enter science

Essay details a Bolivian scientist’s journey from motherhood to eco-toxicology

In a recent essay, early-career biologist Sdenka Moscoso of Bolivia describes her experience returning to science from full-time motherhood and attending the March 2023 TYAN Summer School in Bolivia.

TYAN is the TWAS Young Affiliates Network, a platform for collaboration among young scientists whom TWAS has recognized as Young Affiliates. Young Affiliates have already produced impressive scientific results and bring valuable energy and perspective to the Academy. After five years as Affiliates, they become TWAS Alumni.

Sdenka Moscoso, an early-career biologist from Bolivia. [Photo provided]
Sdenka Moscoso, an early-career biologist from Bolivia. [Photo provided]

TYAN also provides important opportunities for collaboration and mentoring, such as the summer school, to other young scientists in the global South who often face challenges when attempting to pursue academic careers. In her essay, Moscoso describes her situation before attending the school:

“In 2015, I returned from Brescia, Italy, proud to have achieved one of my life’s goals – a doctorate on research with zebrafish as an animal model. I returned to my home country, Bolivia, for family reasons and my aspirations of becoming a mother. Although this led me away from science for seven years, I must say it was completely worth it. I am now the proud mother of three beautiful treasures, alongside my admirable life partner. However, my day-to-day life was increasingly filled with a concern to return to academia, and to be honest, I began to feel professionally frustrated. So, I decided that I needed to make a change.”

The essay is available in both English and Spanish. Read the full essay on the TYAN website here.

Sean Treacy