TWAS Directory of
Fellows and
Young Affiliates
The strength of TWAS resides in the scientific influence and impact of its global network.

Fellows and YAs in action
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TWAS Fellow’s essay makes the case for trusting science
Aretxaga, Itziar

Current nationality
Current country of residence
Aretxaga is a class-C researcher at the National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (INAOE), Mexico, a member of the Mexican National Researcher System (equivalent to Full Professor), and a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences (AMC). Since her arrival in Mexico in 1998, she has built her research group on galaxy formation and evolution and contributed to the development of the astronomy community. In 2011–2016 she was Head of Department of Astrophysics at INAOE. In 2006–2013, she coordinated the astronomy section of AMC. Since 2016, she has directed the International Schools for Young Astronomers of the International Astronomical Union, that bring education, development and networking opportunities to graduate students in isolated areas. The main focus of her research is to unravel the importance of massive star formation around supermassive black holes and their role in galaxy formation and evolution. She has coauthored over 140 research papers in Q1 journals, and has been invited more than 100 times to international conferences and other research institutes as a speaker. She also has an active outreach programme of talks, articles and pieces in social media.
Public contact information
Inst. Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica (INAOE) - Aptdo. Postal 51 y 216 72000 Puebla - Mexico
Last updated on 12/07/2023
![TWAS Fellow Itziar Aretxaga. [Photo provided]](/sites/default/files/styles/directory_action/public/media/aretxaga-standing-web.jpg?itok=935lRAJw)
Generating stars, near and far
Quality education
Jagadish, Chennupati

Current nationality
Current country of residence
Jagadish is a Distinguished Professor and the Head of the Semiconductor Optoelectronics and Nanotechnology Group at the Australian National University. In 2021, he has been appointed President of the Australian Academy of Science, the latest of a long list of prestigious leadership activities. He has covered important editorial position in over 10 scientific journals. He published more than 650 journal papers, holds five US patents, and contributed, as co-author or co-editor, to over 15 books. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science; a Distinguished Fellow of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; a Visiting Professor at Oxford University, UK; a Distinguished Chair Professor for Research at the National Taiwan University, among many other positions. Among his awards are: the Lloyd Rees Memorial Lecture by the Australian Academy of Science (2020); the Thomas Ranken Lyle Medal by the Australian Academy of Science (2019); and UNESCO Medal for contributions to the development of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2018).
Public contact information
Last updated on 12/07/2023

If you wish to be happy, help others
Quality education
Guharay, Falguni

Current nationality
Current country of residence
Guharay (Ph.D.,1982, University of Nottingham), is currently Advisor Projects and Services with a Mesoamerican Information Services for Sustainable Agriculture, SIMAS. Earlier he served as Program manager Climate Smart Cocoa World Cocoa Foundation (WCF), Scientist Research for Development, International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT); Programme Leader for Integrated Pest Management and Agroforestry, Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE), Professor of Plant Protection, National Agricultural University, Nicaragua (UNA) and Research Assistant Professor Biophysics, State University of New York at Buffalo. He is a member of the Latin American Society of Agroecology. He elucidated the biophysical basis of mechanoreception by discovering stretch-activated ion channels. His research helped to scale the biological control of vectors of Malaria in Nicaragua and laid the foundation of ecological management of agroforestry systems in Mesoamerica. He was awarded National Scholarship for Ph.D. studies by Govt. of India in 1978, the Research Scientist of the year by CATIE 2003, and the Coffee personality of Nicaragua by RAMACAFE 2006.
Public contact information
(+505) 57766946
A 193 Bosque de Altamira, Managua, Nicaragua
Last updated on 12/07/2023

A sweet path to sustainable development
Climate action
Bouahom, Bounthong

Current nationality
Lao People's Democratic Republic (the)
Current country of residence
Lao People's Democratic Republic (the)
Last updated on 24/10/2024

Leveraging the bounty of Laos
Responsible consumption and production
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
04. Chemical Sciences
Young Affiliate
Affiliated from 2020 to 2025
Affiliated from 2020 to 2025

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Tejeda Perez, Leslie Karina

Young Affiliate
Tejeda Perez Leslie Karina
Current nationality
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Current country of residence
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Affiliation / Institution
School of Chemistry – Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA)
Leslie Karina Tejeda Perez earned her PhD in food engineering (2013) from the University of Lund, in Sweden. She also earned a degree in chemistry (2007) from the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA), in La Paz, Bolivia. During the doctoral studies, she investigated the chemical composition, the antioxidant activity of Andean grains (quinoa and cañihua) and the polyphenolic content in isolated items and processed food (lunches). She is a member of the spin-off company Swebol Biotech, dedicated to formulating functional foods based on Bolivian crops. At UMSA she coordinates the Innovation Management project, aimed at building up innovative programme management to support science, technology, and innovation based on the quadruple helix model (university, government, industry, and society). The project is receiving five-year support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. With the Math-AmSud network, she also coordinated a project aimed to establish a collaborative network among Latin-American countries and France. The research topic of the proposal is Chemical Graph Theory, an important and modern area of discrete mathematics and chemical science.
Sustainable Development Goals
Country of birth
04. Chemical Sciences
TWAS Regional Office
TWAS Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Partner (TWAS-LACREP)
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Country where living and working for the majority of the last 10 years
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Last updated on 12/07/2023
Former Young Affiliates elected to the TWAS fellowship
No results match the specified criteria.
Young Affiliates Alumni
When Young Affiliates complete their five-year term, they become Alumni. Young Affiliate Alumni are encouraged to remain engaged with TWAS initiatives and to take advantage of TWAS programmes and prizes.