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La cerimonia si è tenuta all'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei alla presenza del Capo dello Stato Giorgio Napolitano
The official ceremony for the 2010 'Premio Feltrinelli', which went to TWAS, took place at the 'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei' in Rome, at the opening of Italy's 2010-2011 academic year.
Three members of TWAS are among the five women to win the 2011 L'Oréal-UNESCO Prize for Women in Science.
Il premio annuale è frutto di un accordo fra la multinazionale francese leader nella cosmetica e l'UNESCO.
A ogni vincitrice va un premio di 100.000 dollari
"Science is a key factor in allowing developing countries to forego importing technology from abroad and in charting their own path for sustainable economic growth," noted TWAS President Jacob Palis
A website dedicated to the Solar Radiation Management Initiative (SRMGI), of which TWAS is a partner, is now online.
Today marked the final day of the TWAS 21st General Assembly in Hyderabad, India.
"Global health is in a period of dramatic transition," says K. Srinath Reddy, president of the Public Health Foundation of India
"Wasps have complex social lives," says Raghavendra Gadagkar, INSA S.N. Bose Research Professor and J.C. Bose National Fellow at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore.
The driest place on Earth is playing a major role in determining whether life has ever existed on Mars.