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Abdoulaye Mando sees the world from the ground up – a line of vision that is helping thousands of farmers in sub-Saharan Africa.
"Women in academia in Turkey are not suffering," says Cigdem Kagitcibasi, a professor in the College of Arts and Sciences at Koc University.
The prizes, which are awarded by TWAS's five regional offices, carry a USD3,000 cash award
TWAS has announced the election of 58 new members, including 11 women. The election took place at the Academy's 21st General Meeting in Hyderabad, India, on Tuesday, 19 October 2010
The Council of TWAS has awarded 'TWAS Medal Lectures' to three TWAS members in recognition of their achievements in their fields of research
The prize, which includes a USD100,000 cash award, is given to eminent scientists from the developing world who have made significant contributions to science and science-based development.
"Science is a key driver that guides global discourse," says Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister of India.
TWAS has announced the winners of the TWAS Prizes for 2010 at the Academy's 21st General Meeting in Hyderabad, India
Dallo studio di proteine malate e del loro target nuove prospettive terapeutiche. Ricerche presentate a Hyderabad (India), durante il Congresso generale della TWAS
It owes its existence to an unusual alliance between an internationally renowned ophthalmologist and a famous film producer