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The Islamic Development Bank and TWAS will cooperate on activities in four areas important to science and development in Islamic countries.
The president of The Future University in Khartoum, Sudanese engineer Mustafa El Tayeb, works to build a stronger reputation for the local scientific community.
At Trieste Next, TWAS will convene experts from South and North to discuss science diplomacy for a healthy Mediterranean.
After 14 months as a science policy executive at UNESCO, Romain Murenzi returns to a post he held for five years.

The Nadi Al Bassar North African Center for Sight has provided care to thousands of people – and serves as a model for the South.
A rigorous, dispassionate approach to knowledge can help the world in a time of tension, says TWAS Fellow Yousef Sobouti of Iran.
Yousef Sobouti, 2017 Paolo Budinich Lecture
As sea level rise slowly claims Kiribati, its people must turn to science diplomacy for ways to survive.
Applications for the COMSTECH-sponsored awards are due by 31 October.
The 2018 prizes will go to early-career women researchers from the developing world in the physical sciences. Deadline: 15 September.