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The final report of the UN Scientific Advisory Board urges a stronger role for science in international decision-making.
Candidates should be accomplished scientific leaders and administrators. Deadline: 12 October.

The role of big data in developing countries will be the focus of the TWAS roundtable at Trieste Next on 23 September.
In the centennial of his birth, physicist Paolo Budinich and his life will be centerstage of month-long events.
Despite historic challenges confronting the Arab region, science can provide a path to progress, says the Jordanian science leader.
Science International, co-organized by TWAS, IAP, ICSU and ISSC, has a new website to support its "open data" endorsement campaign.
If you want to be a good science communicator, credibility and respect for the audience are key, says Liz Neeley, an outreach expert and communication guru.
The Academy's Sub-Saharan Africa office advances efforts to promote science in the South with a new, user-friendly web design.
A new book by TWAS Fellow Calestous Juma explores the economic and cultural forces that stifle progress.

Deadline: 1 September. Nominations are open for a high-profile honour for early-career women scientists in the developing world.