Thirty-five years after its founding, TWAS in 2018 achieved continued progress: For the first time, more than 100 countries are represented in its membership, and the proportion of women members hit a record high. The number of TWAS PhD scholars continues to grow. And strong communication initiatives are raising the Academy's global profile.
Annual Reports
2019 - Annual Report 2018

2018 - Annual Report 2017

For TWAS, 2017 was a year of significant expansion in programmes, networks and the reach of its communication. The Academy continues to provide important opportunities to developing world researchers, and it is increasingly influential globally as a centre for science policy and diplomacy.
2017 - Annual Report 2016

For TWAS, 2016 was a year of continued growth and high-level visibility. Its programmes continue to provide critical opportunities to developing world researchers. Its reputation as a focal point for science policy and science diplomacy is rising.
2016 - Annual Report 2015

For TWAS, 2015 was a year of accomplishment. The Academy’s initiatives and membership showed robust growth. Its programmes continued to provide critical opportunities to developing world researchers. And its reputation as a focal point for science policy expanded.
2015 - Annual Report 2014

With TWAS moving confidently into its fourth decade, 2014 was a year of exciting initiatives and accomplishment. The Academy’s membership is reaching into new nations. Its programmes are strong. TWAS is doing more for young scientists and women researchers in the developing world than ever before. And it is building a growing global audience for its communication.