SINGH, Prabhat Kumar

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Prabhat K. Singh is an associate professor with the Radiation and Photochemistry Division of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India. He received his PhD from Homi Bhabha National Institute (2011) and pursued his postdoctoral work at the University of Pennsylvania, US. His current research interests include ultrafast spectroscopy, supramolecular chemistry, and the use of self-assembled materials to design optical sensors for bio-sensing and chemo-sensing applications. He was honoured with the Young Scientist Award by the Department of Atomic Energy, India (2013), and by the National Academy of Science, India (2017).
He served as a member of the Indian National Young Academy of Science (2017–2021) and the National Academy of Sciences, India (2017). He was a Young Associate of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore (2017–2020) and, since 2023, is a fellow of Maharashtra Academy of Sciences, India. He is also a member of the German Global Young Academy (2020). He has been selected as a Fellow of the Indian Chemical Society and Associate Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy for the year 2023 and has been named a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK).
Public contact information
Radiation and Photochemistry Division, Chemistry Group, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai
Last updated on 13/05/2024
Tyagi, Avesh Kumar

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Tyagi joined the chemistry division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), in 1986 through the BARC Training School. He obtained his PhD in 1992, then did postdoctoral research at Max Planck Institute, Stuttgart, Germany (1995–96). Presently, he is Dean and Senior professor at HBNI, Mumbai; and honorary professor at JNCASR, Bengaluru. His research interests are in the field of nanomaterials, and also functional, metastable, and hybrid materials. He has published about 680 papers in international journals and 15 books and supervised 38 students for their PhD. He has received many prestigious awards including the DAE-Homi Bhabha Science and Technology Award, MRSI Medal; MRSI-ICSC Materials Science Senior Award; MRSI-CNR Rao Prize in Advanced Materials; CRSI Bronze Medal; CRSI-CNR Rao National Prize in Chemical Sciences; CRSI-Silver Medal; Rajib Goyal Prize in Chemical Sciences; Metallurgist of the Year award from Ministry of Steel, GoI; National Prize in Solid State and Materials Chemistry; ISCA Acharya PC Ray Memorial Award and NETZSCH – ITAS Award by Indian Thermal Analysis Society and Vigyan Shri award from Government of India.
Last updated on 26/12/2024
Singhal, Rekha S.

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Singhal earned her PhD in 1990 from the Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India, where she is now a professor. She received fellowships from the Indian National Science Academy, Indian National Academy of Engineering, National Academy of Sciences India, International Bioprocessing Association, and Association of Food Scientists and Technologists (India). She was a member of scientific panels and working groups, FSSAI, Government of India, and a member of the subject expert committee of national bodies of the Government of India, including BIRAC, DST, UGC, DBT, and TDB. She is a project evaluator for the European Science Foundation, was an associate editor with Carbohydrate Polymers, and is an associate editor with Sustainable Food Technology. She was a chairperson, Research Council, CSIR-CFTRI, and is a former member of the Research Council, CSIR-NIIST. She is a subject expert with the National Board of Accreditation and works in interdisciplinary areas encompassing chemical sciences, in particular, food chemistry, biological sciences, and engineering sciences, where she works with separation techniques, using supercritical carbon dioxide and chromatography.
Public contact information
Food Engineering and Technology Department, Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai-400019
Last updated on 01/07/2024
Siddique, Kadambot

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Siddique obtained his PhD in 1985 from The University of Western Australia. He is Hackett Professor of Agriculture Chair, and Director, The UWA Australia Institute of Agriculture. He is a Foreign Fellow of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences; Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences; a Foreign Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Fellow of The Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology; and Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering. He is a highly cited researcher in agricultural sciences 2018–2023, and a highly cited researcher in plant and animal science (Thomson Reuters/ Clarivate Analytics) 2021–2023. Recipient of Urrbrae Memorial Award; Member of the Order of Australia; Western Australian of the Year award; Dunhuang Award by China's Gansu Provincial Government; Friendship Award from the Chinese Government; Western Australian Indian of the Year 2021; Western Australian Scientist of the Year 2023; and Sanqin Friendship Award. Siddique was the special ambassador for the International Year of Pulses 2016, by the UN FAO.
Public contact information
(+61 8) 6488-7012
The University of Western Australia – M082 The UWA Institute of Agriculture – 35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley, WA 6009 – Australia
Last updated on 01/07/2024
Nagendra, Harini

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Nagendra is the director of the School of Climate Change and Sustainability, Azim Premji University, in Bangalore, India. Her research covers forest conservation and urban sustainability. Her interdisciplinary work on forests combines remote sensing, biodiversity and institutional analysis, to elucidate the pattern-process link in human-dominated tropics. Her urban research spotlights city commons and ecosystems, to determine the resilience and wellbeing of the poor in the global South. Her awards include an honorary doctorate from Utrecht University in 2025, the 2009 US National Academy of Sciences Cozzarelli Prize, 2013 Elinor Ostrom Senior Scholar award, and 2017 Clarivate Web of Science award. She is a well-known public speaker and writer, whose books include Nature in the City: Bengaluru in the Past, Present and Future; Cities and Canopies: Trees of Indian Cities; Shades of Blue: Connecting the Drops in India’s Cities, and Bangalore Detectives Club series. She was a lead author of IPCC AR5, and is on the scientific committee of the Future Earth Program for Ecosystem Change and Society, and the Advisory Board of WRI Ross Cities, Future Earth Urban KAN, and EIT Climate KIC.
Public contact information
Last updated on 30/01/2025
Chandak, Giriraj Ratan

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Chandak, a physician scientist, is the former director of the Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics, and Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose Fellow at the CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad. He received his Doctor of Medicine degree in biochemistry from the Institute of Medical Sciences, at Banaras Hindu University, and his PhD in biochemistry from Osmania University. He is a Fellow of all four National Science Academies in India. His research interests include understanding the genetic and epigenetic basis of complex disorders of pancreas, including chronic pancreatitis, type 2 diabetes, and intermediate traits associated with them, with a focus on the foetal origins of adult common diseases. His other passion includes reducing the genetic burden on the society through the development of robust, rapid and affordable genetic tests for common genetic disorders like hemoglobinopathies and musculopathies and extending prenatal diagnosis and genetic counselling to the common man. He has developed a whole blood-based screening-cum-confirmatory molecular test that can help in early identification and aid to eliminate sickle cell anaemia In India.
Last updated on 01/07/2024
Agarwal, Avinash Kumar

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Agarwal obtained his bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering in 1994, from Malviya Regional Engineering, Jaipur and his Master of Technology and PhD (both in energy, in 1996 and 1999 respectively) from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi. After his postdoctoral fellowship (1999–2001) at University of Wisconsin-Madison (US), he joined IIT Kanpur in 2001. His interests are internal combustion engines, alternate and conventional fuels, optical diagnostics, laser ignition, fuel sprays, lubricating oil tribology, and large-bore engines. He has developed laser-fired hydrogen and compressed natural gas engines in automotive sizes, and the first electronic fuel injection system equipped with a locomotive engine for Indian Railways. Agarwal has published 525+ journal and conference papers, 63 books, 129 chapters, 17300+ Scopus Citations, and 26000+ Google Scholar citations. He is an editor of Fuel. He is a Fellow of NASI (2018), RSC (2018), AAAS (2020), and Combustion Institute (2022), and the recipient of many awards including Sir J C Bose National Fellowship (2019), and Clarivate Analytics India Citation Award-2017.
Public contact information
(+91 512) 259-7982
Department Of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur - 208016, India
Last updated on 01/07/2024
Sharma, Prerna

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Last updated on 12/07/2023