Guerra Noriega, Alex

Current nationality
Current country of residence
Guerra Noriega has been the general director of the Climate Change Research Institute (ICC), Guatemala, since 2010. He holds a PhD in geography and the environment (2010) and an MSc in water science, policy and management (2006), both from the University of Oxford, UK. He obtained his BSc in forestry (2004) with honours from Del Valle University, Guatemala, where he worked as a lecturer in environmental science (2012-2017). He worked as a researcher in integrated water management, disaster risk and climate change, publishing articles and book chapters on those subjects. His work and that of the institute he directs focus on applied research, and looks at local-scale challenges posed by climate change in Guatemala and, more recently, El Salvador. As director of ICC, he was co-founder of the Guatemalan Climate Change Science System (SGCCC) in 2014 and was also co-founder of the Mesoamerican Journal of Biodiversity and Climate Change in 2017. Guerra Noriega is a member of the Academy of Medical, Physical and Natural Sciences of Guatemala; in 2014 he has received the Young Scientist of the Year award for Guatemala by the Guatemalan National Science Council and TWAS.
Last updated on 12/07/2023