Chaudhary, Ram Prasad

Current nationality
Current country of residence
Chaudhary is an Emeritus Professor at Tribhuvan University (TU), Kirtipur, Nepal. He has 40 years' experience in teaching, research and academic administration. He was Executive Director of one of TU research institutes; served as a member of the National Planning Commission of Nepal; Chair of the Board of Governors of the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development; Trustee of the National Trust for Nature Conservation; team leader of national, regional (Bhutan, China, India, Nepal) and international (Italy, Norway, USA) programmes. He contributed to policy formulation for the Government of Nepal in the fields of biodiversity and environment; widely travelled on foot in mountains of Nepalese Himalaya; visited 10 major herbaria (France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Russian Federation, UK, USA); received 28 awards and medals; led 28 research projects; supervised five PhD and over 60 Master’s theses. He also established in his name a Gold Medal Award at TU, and a science scholarship in a secondary school in the village where he was born and received his primary education. A new plant species from Nepal, the Saussurea ramchaudharyi (Asteraceae), was named after him.
Public contact information
+977 9841283652
Research Centre for Applied Science and Technology (ReCAST) – Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur – PO Box-1030 – Kathmandu – Nepal
Last updated on 12/07/2023