Le organizzazioni scientifiche possono promuovere una risposta coesa per sostenere e integrare scienziati a rischio, sfollati e rifugiati, hanno affermato gli esperti alla tavola rotonda della TWAS a Trieste Next
Scientific organizations can foster a cohesive response for the support and integration of at-risk, displaced, and refugee scientists, said experts at Trieste Next TWAS round table
Women scientists can contribute to the fight against climate change with actions that have a tangible impact on their communities, says ICCES director Zhaohui Lin, at a CAS-TWAS-Elsevier Foundation workshop
At a five-day CAS-TWAS-Elsevier Foundation climate workshop in China, 20 women scientists from developing countries demonstrated how to turn scientific knowledge into actions leading to a sustainable future
At a CAS-TWAS Centre of Excellence for Biotechnology symposium held in Beijing, China, energy experts described strategies to obtain clean energy from inexhaustible sources like sunlight and bacteria
Indian mathematician Neena Gupta received the 2023 TWAS-CAS Young Scientist Award for Frontier Science for providing a long-sought solution to an algebraic problem