
Press room

Giovanni Ortolani
Public Information Officer
Via Beirut, 6
Enrico Fermi Building, Room 112
Office: +39 040 2240-324

Cristina Serra
Staff writer
Via Beirut, 6
Enrico Fermi Building, Room 113
Phone: +39 040 2240-429
Mobile: +39 338 430-5210

Sean Treacy
Staff Writer
Via Beirut, 6
Enrico Fermi Building, Room T8/2
Office: +39 040 2240-538

General contact:

TWAS Newsletter
The Academy's quarterly magazine. Download PDF files of individual…

Assistance for organizers of scientific meetings in the South

Assistance for organizers of scientific meetings in the South

Organizers of scientific activities that will be held in developing countries between July and December 2014 can apply for small grants. Deadline for applications: 1 December 2013.

Assistance for organizers of scientific meetings in the SouthWith funds provided by the Italian government, TWAS encourages the organization of high-level international and regional scientific activities in developing countries by offering financial assistance to the organizers of such events.

For details, see Support for International Scientific Meetings.