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This year's AAAS-TWAS course used a simulated international negotiation to teach about the challenges of science diplomacy.
Rwandan President Paul Kagame and Academy leaders finalize plans for the event in Kigali, to be held 14-17 November.
Biodiversity, international cooperation, and a role-playing exercise are core elements in the 3rd AAAS-TWAS workshop on science diplomacy.
TWAS’s interim executive director will have a key role in setting in motion a new resource for scientists in Least Developed Countries.
Governments must improve surveillance and communication to address future viral threats, says Brazilian science leader Hernán Chaimovich.
Mohamed H.A. Hassan, who led the TWAS secretariat for 26 years, returns to guide the Academy through a leadership transition.
Gebisa Ejeta, winner of the 2009 World Food Prize, urges developing countries to invest in education and science to overcome food scarcity and achieve independence.
TWAS Vice-President Moctar Toure of Senegal, speaking at Città della Scienza in Naples, urges governments to consider food security as a tool for peace-building.
A new TWAS book profiles ICIMOD, an eight-nation science centre supporting research, policy and diplomacy valuable to mountain communities.
At a high-level meeting in Italy, the UN Scientific Advisory Board advanced recommendations on climate, food and health.