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A TWAS research grant is helping Cameroonian scientist Alain Dikande to investigate the functioning of the nervous system to help treat nerve-related disorders
Science diplomacy can help bridge South-North science, Executive Director Romain Murenzi told a high-level audience in Washington, DC.
The South's emerging perspective on science diplomacy reflects a different history and different needs
L'ufficio regionale della TWAS per l'Africa sub-sahariana, TWAS-ROSSA, si tasferisce in Sud Africa per consolidare meglio il ruolo dell'Accademia in tutto il continente.
Il prossimo novembre gli accademici della TWAS si riuniranno per l'annuale Congresso Generale che quest'anno si terrà a Vienna, presso la sede dell'Accademia austriaca delle scienze.
Executive Director Romain Murenzi: We're only starting to unlock science diplomacy's potential.
The Austrian Academy of Sciences will host a historic meeting of TWAS in November: the 26th General Meeting, and the first hosted by a developed country.
Sustained political will in support of R&D and science education are key to development in the Caribbean region, leaders say.
I Premi Regionali TWAS 2014 sono stati assegnati a scienziati distintisi a livello mondiale per attività di carattere umanitario, di promozione della scienza e delle relazioni internazionali.
South Africa's scientific strength and policy leadership is expected to help the Academy's office grow and evolve.