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La medaglia alla memoria di A. Salam, Nobel 1979 per la fisica, è assegnata a personalità di rilievo che si sono distinte per il loro lavoro a favore dei paesi in via di sviluppo.

Last week, TWAS executive director, Romain Murenzi, presented the programmes and activities of TWAS to permanent delegates and observers at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris
12-13 May was 'World Bird Migratory Day'. We asked Mexican ornithologist Paula Enríquez Rocha, a member of TWAS's partner organization OWSD, to tell us more about why this day matters
The US National Science Foundation is organizing the inaugural meeting of the Global Research Council.
TWAS executive director Romain Murenzi was among 19 high profile delegates invited to attend a meeting aimed at encouraging and supporting scientific collaboration between the US and DPR Korea
A five-day workshop jointly organized by ICTP, TWAS, IOP and APS gave engineers and physicists from developing countries valuable step-by-step advice on how to convert their good ideas into products
Today is World Water Day (WWD), an annual date to raise awareness about the challenges posed by water quality and quantity
TWAS is one of seven partners in the CATALYST consortium, a European project on 'Capacity Development for Hazard Risk Reduction and Adaptation'