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Mohamed Hassan, Direttore esecutivo della TWAS guarda con ottimismo al futuro del "continente nero"
The Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in Rome, Italy, announces that TWAS has been selected to receive the prestigious international Antonio Feltrinelli Prize
Definito l’equivalente di un Nobel, il premio riconosce alla TWAS attività di elevato spessore morale e umanitario
"It's the landscape that defines the Mediterranean region," says Paolo Lombardi, director of the WWF Mediterranean Programme Office. "And we are treating the Mediterranean region's landscape badly."
Globalization is a driving force in today’s world. And, not surprisingly, it’s a source of a great deal of discussion and debate
The International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), Kenya, has joined two of TWAS's South-South collaboration programmes.
Lidia Brito from Mozambique, the new head of UNESCO's science policy division, outlines her plans for helping to strengthen the role of science in both development and diplomacy
"Targeting TB in South Africa", an article in the most recent issue of the TWAS Newsletter, takes a look at the tuberculosis research being conducted by TWAS Associate Fellow Valerie Mizrahi
Storie di successo per salute e tecnologie dell'informazione
Efforts to improve public health in Pakistan have received a boost through an innovative programme that delivers basic medical care through the internet.