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At a high-level conference co-organized by the InterAcademy Medical Panel, global health leaders focused on how poverty and other disadvantages can have lifelong health consequences.
At a workshop in Mexico, co-organized by TWAS, experts weighed the environmental and social costs of surging global demand for the holothurians.
Argentinian neuroscientist Francisco Barrantes says advanced technology provides new insights about the brain. But many mysteries remain
A science diplomacy workshop in Mexico, co-organized by TWAS, provides training on sustainable management of small fisheries
Biochemist Yongyuth Yuthavong moves into a critical development role in his home country
Influential Latin American science communicator Diego Golombek has a message for researchers everywhere
TWAS, UNESCO bring Namibian scientist Nnenesi Kgabi to Jamaica to help develop air-quality monitoring plan
The application deadline for the 2015 Elsevier Foundation Awards in physics and maths is 17 October 2014
Agricultural biologist Adel E.T. El-Beltagy, a member of the TWAS Council, takes a key development post
In The Guardian online, TWAS Executive Director Romain Murenzi describes the essential role of science for development.