Quattro membri della TWAS siedono nel comitato scientifico delle Nazioni Unite, da poco costituito per fornire al segretario generale UN Ban Ki-moon supporto scientifico su temi di impatto mondiale
The Chinese Academy of Sciences and TWAS are organizing a summer training course for professionals to provide advanced knowledge of water and sanitation
Even small nations can use science diplomacy to build connections with the global research community, says Vaughan C. Turekian, director of the AAAS Center for Science Diplomacy.
The launch of a new book, Trieste: City of Science and Higher Education, local leaders said the city should seek to expand its impact to further benefit both the region and global science.
TWAS and the French Foundation for Rare Diseases (Fondation maladies rares) are opening a joint programme to support Mediterranean collaborative initiatives on rare disease research.
The Elsevier Foundation, OWSD and TWAS are inviting nominations for the 2014 Awards honouring female early-career chemists working in the developing world.