Sir Peter Gluckman, New Zealand's globally influential science adviser, urges small nations to be ambitious in scientific and diplomatic relations with the world.
Three world-class science institutions based in Trieste – ICGEB, ICTP and TWAS – along with ICRANet in Pescara, put Italy at the forefront of global efforts to build science in the developing world.
Science diplomacy holds enormous potential for solving problems and building international relationships. Four science policy leaders explore how the South can build its capacity for a new era.
A TWAS research grant is helping Cameroonian scientist Alain Dikande to investigate the functioning of the nervous system to help treat nerve-related disorders
L'ufficio regionale della TWAS per l'Africa sub-sahariana, TWAS-ROSSA, si tasferisce in Sud Africa per consolidare meglio il ruolo dell'Accademia in tutto il continente.
Il prossimo novembre gli accademici della TWAS si riuniranno per l'annuale Congresso Generale che quest'anno si terrà a Vienna, presso la sede dell'Accademia austriaca delle scienze.