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Ampliando e sfruttando la sua rete di contatti per dare visibilità alle proprie attività, la TWAS può ottenere un maggior impatto a livello globale, afferma il comitato direttivo dell’Accademia.
Usando scienza e tecnologia per orientare la classe politica nelle scelte globali anche nazioni di modeste dimensioni possono far sentire la propria voce a livello internazionale, dice Vaughan C. Ture
TWAS's Steering Committee approved the Academy's 2014 budget and discussed new ways to extend its global impact.
Even small nations can use science diplomacy to build connections with the global research community, says Vaughan C. Turekian, director of the AAAS Center for Science Diplomacy.
Kigali, Ruanda: la TWAS partecipa a un forum internazionale su istruzione superiore e scienza, organizzato da Paul Kagame, presidente del Ruanda, e da Makhtar Diop, vice presidente per l’Africa della
TWAS will have a key role at a high-level forum on higher education and science organized by the World Bank and the government of Rwanda
Prize honours elite scientific achievement in the developing world
"BioVisionAlexandria 2014", co-sponsored by TWAS, has been scheduled for 7-9 April 2014 at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Conference Center in Egypt.
The CAS-TWAS Centre of Excellence on Space Technology for Disaster Mitigation in Beijing, China, is inviting applications by 4 April 2014.
ICTP and TWAS to hold school on Coherent State Transforms, Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Analysis, Applications