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Mario Giro, sottosegretario agli affari esteri, plaude all'iniziativa di scienza e diplomazia avviata congiuntamente da TWAS e dall'American Association for the Advancement of Science
Mario Giro, undersecretary of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, welcomes the AAAS-TWAS initiative in science diplomacy
Sscientists, diplomats from 32 countries convene in Trieste for the first ever AAAS-TWAS Course on Science Diplomacy
The inspiring 2013 documentary about the transformative work done by four scientists in Kenya – with TWAS support – is now available on YouTube.
'Seminando Scienza' è finalmente disponibile su YouTube. Il documentario della TWAS, ambientato in Kenia, descrive in che modo quattro scienziati africani stanno cambiando le sorti delle loro genti.
Pursue a PhD or postdoctoral research at an excellent institution in Brazil. Deadline: 28 July
During Africa-Italy Day in Rome, the Benin mathematician and policy leader was honoured for lifetime achievement in building African science

High-level leaders from Italy, Africa and TWAS will meet in Rome to celebrate a partnership with many past accomplishments – and a vital role for the future
Internet users worldwide will find TWAS's opportunities more accessible than ever with an innovative smartphone version and new low-bandwidth access
OrvietoScienza, appuntamento scientifico annuale giunto quest'anno alla seconda edizione, ha affrontato temi all'interfaccia tra etica, scienza e legge. Il dibattito ha esaminato le nuove frontiere et