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After an intensive training at ICGEB-India, Ethiopian scientist Abeba Haile Mariamenatu feels ready for a career switch
The interview was realized during Abdool Karim's visit to Trieste, which marked the launch of the celebrations for the Academy’s 40th Anniversary
With support from the SG-NAPI ‘Scientist after Child’ scheme, Ugandan agronomist Rosemary Bulyaba may now both look after her children and conduct research that helps her community
TWAS Fellow Lê Tuân Hoa discusses the role of maths in the developing world, as well as its role in career development, sustainability science, and international cooperation
During her visit to Trieste, TWAS President Quarraisha Abdool Karim marked the Academy’s 40th anniversary with discussion on public health issues such as HIV, tuberculosis, and COIVD-19
Former World Bank Chief Economist Justin Yifu Lin visits TWAS with an economic message
TWAS is currently seeking hosts for its next two capstone international gatherings of developing world science
Nature Correspondence: TYAN Chair Franco Cabrerizo urges more scientific training in the global South