Twas in Action Features 13 July 2023 Science diplomacy returns to Trieste Over two dozen scientists and policy specialists gather at TWAS headquarters in Italy to learn about and engage with the fast-growing field > SEE MORE
Announcements 23 June 2023 Fifty new TWAS Fellows added to online directory Essential information about Fellows elected to the Academy in 2023 can now be found through the searchable tool > SEE MORE
Press releases 20 June 2023 26 diplomatici scientifici si riuniscono al 10° Workshop AAAS-TWAS su Scienza e Diplomazia Dal 20 al 23 giugno 2023, "tandem di partecipanti" si incontreranno a Trieste per approfondire come costruire ponti tra il mondo della scienza e quello della diplomazia > SEE MORE
Twas in Action Events 31 March 2023 TWAS at LDC5: partnerships and education in the spotlight The Academy highlighted its achievements at the 5th United Nations Conference on Least Developed Countries (LDC5), in Doha, Qatar > SEE MORE
Events 02 March 2023 Promoting scientific strength in least developed countries LDC5 Conference in Doha, Qatar, highlights the impact of TWAS for science in Least Developed Countries > SEE MORE
Twas in Action 06 February 2017 A new list of TWAS target countries In recognition of changes in global development patterns, TWAS has issued a new list of 66 S&T-lagging countries. > SEE MORE
Announcements 10 September 2013 A crucial focus for least developed nations The world's poorest countries and their allies should focus on Internet and communications technology to build momentum in science and engineering > SEE MORE