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Writing effective proposals and understanding intellectual property are among the key tools to be discussed at a TWAS Research Grants conference from 28-31 August in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Former TWAS Executive Director Mohamed Hassan has been elected to the international scientific body of the Roman Catholic Church.
Strengthening health systems and offering timely information might help contain future Ebola epidemics, says TWAS Fellow Vincent Titanji from Cameroon.
Four global science organisations and other partners to focus on scientists displaced by war.
Science diplomacy is essential for supporting researchers displaced by war, said former TWAS Executive Director Mohamed Hassan at the Festival èStoria in Gorizia, Italy.
During a TWAS's workshop on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, 120 students from Trieste and Slovenia learned how to become ambassadors for good practices in their communities.
The Elsevier Foundation and TWAS help a Finnish scientist visit Myanmar to build environmental research
TWAS Fellow Kalulu Taba from the Democratic Republic of the Congo explores the power of indigenous plant extracts to purify water and cure malaria.
Global experts will explore improved water-terrestrial ecosystems at the CAS-TWAS-WMO Forum in Beijing. Register by 1 July.
TWAS Fellow Evelyne Mbede of Tanzania urges governments to tap the expertise of scientists in strategic policymaking.