Five awards are currently open to candidates from the developing world in fields including physics, chemistry, biology, medical science, and sustainable development
Women are particularly well-placed to tackle climate change in their communities, said Elsevier Foundation Executive Director Ylann Schemm at the CAS-TWAS-Elsevier Foundation workshop on climate action
Women scientists can contribute to the fight against climate change with actions that have a tangible impact on their communities, says ICCES director Zhaohui Lin, at a CAS-TWAS-Elsevier Foundation workshop
At a CAS-TWAS Centre of Excellence for Biotechnology symposium held in Beijing, China, energy experts described strategies to obtain clean energy from inexhaustible sources like sunlight and bacteria
La 16ª Conferenza Generale della TWAS riunirà oltre 800 scienziati, fra ricercatori affermati e giovani promesse della ricerca, provenienti dai paesi in via di sviluppo