Gambini, Rodolfo

Current nationality
Current country of residence
Gambini is professor at the Instituto de Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias, in Montevideo, Uruguay. He is known for his development of non-perturbative techniques for the treatment of gauge theories in terms of Wilson loops, prediction of dispersion effects in the propagation of light due to the quantum structure of space-time, for his consistent discrete quantum gravity approach and for his analisys of the issue of time in quantum gravity. He has recently accomplished the first loop gravity quantization of Black Holes. He is president of the National Academy of Sciences of Uruguay; fellow of the American Physical Society; and member of the Argentinian National Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences and the Latin American Academy of Sciences. He has won the Gravity Research Foundation Prize three times and the TWAS prize in 2003.
Last updated on 12/07/2023