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The new Ecuadorean Academy of Sciences will help the South American nation to build research strength and closer ties with TWAS and the global scientific community, TWAS President Bai Chunli said.
As the Philippines struggles to overcome the devastation of Typhoon Haiyan, scientists and policymakers are realizing that improved education and communication will be crucial.
A Trieste, come altrove, servono interventi mirati a contenere gli sprechi energetici
Three distinguished researchers have been selected to give the TWAS Medal Lectures on their research next year at the Academy’s annual General Meeting.
TWAS: al via il primo workshop del ciclo Science and Diplomacy, su energia e strategie di crescita sostenibili
TWAS has expressed deep sadness at the death of former South African President Nelson Mandela and praised his legacy as an advocate and inspiration for education and science in the developing world
Trieste nel cuore dell'Africa: storie di successo dove la scienza cambia la vita delle persone
'Seeds of Science', a vivid and inspiring documentary about the work done in Kenya by TWAS-supported scientists, will be broadcast in Italy twice in the coming week
IAP and IAMP urged immediate and sustained action to address the increasing incidence of dangerous pathogens that are resistant to antibiotics.
A new book from TWAS and COMSATS profiles Colombia’s Centro Internacional de Física, which has built a reputation for excellence in Latin American science