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Uzbek microbiologist Dilfuza Egamberdieva hopes to apply her new agricultural technique soon in Uzbekistan to boost the yield of economically important crops
TWAS announced today the election of 52 new Members.
La cerimonia si è tenuta a Buenos Aires, durante il Congresso generale della TWAS, dove il fisico ha tenuto un seminario pubblico sulle sue ricerche
From a reputation in the biomedical sciences that grew from three Nobel prizes, to new prominence in the study of astroparticles, modern-day Argentina is an appealing place to be a scientist
Science speaks a unique language, which crosses borders and acts as a unifying factor for sustainable growth
Requests by research groups and/or scientific institutions in least developed countries are due by 31 October.
TWAS’s Regional Offices have awarded their Regional Prizes this year to five researchers from different regions of the developing world who have worked creatively to popularize science
The TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize has been awarded to Chilean theoretical physicist Claudio Bunster Weitzman
A rising young Bangladeshi chemist whose work is helping develop new technology for cleaning drinking water has won the Atta-ur-Rahman Prize in Chemistry
Firdausi Qadri, director of the Centre for Vaccine Sciences at the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research in Bangladesh, is the recipient of the 2013 C.N.R. Rao Prize